![Advanced Blog [V4] - YouNetCo](https://phpfox-store.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/07/03024908/ync-blog.jpg)
Advanced Blog [V4] - YouNetCo
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.02p5
- Support Sponsor/Sponsor in Feed
- Add setting for spamming control
- Add settings for email notifications
- UI Improvements
- Fix bugs
Ready with phpFox 4.8.9
Most people love sharing. But sharing photos in feed or posting a status isn't enough to showcase everything. And that's when the blogging came in. Blog is an environment where people can share everything about their lives, experiences, news, information, etc. It is one of the trends in a social community to satisfy the fans by writing. Advanced Blog is an enhancement of default phpFox Blog with many improvements in layout and features. This app makes your Blog section more interactive and professional.
- Require the latest version of YouNetCo Core app
Key Features
- Fully responsive, support Responsive Templates
- Integrate with Pages, Group and other YouNetCo apps: User Profile, Business Directory System, Social Publisher, Suggestion & Recommendation System
- Support new mode view: Bigview
- Blocks: Featured Blogs, Most Read (in a week, month), Most Favorited, Most Discussed, Hot Tags, Tags, Recent Post, Categories, Recent Comments, You Might Like, Continue Reading, Top Categories
- Support mass action to manage Blogs
- Write a new blog with photo, content.
- Import Blog: from WordPress, Tumblr, Bloggers XML file
- Export Blog to XML based on 3 system.
- Get RSS link of the whole site feed, a blogger, a category
- Able to change app URL
Packages that include this product:
Front End
- Homepage – All Blogs
- List out all available blogs on the site
- Featured blogs are displayed in a vertical slideshow
- Support 3 mode views: List View, Grid View, Pin View
- List out all blog’s categories
- Search for blogs by Title, number items per page, time
- In advanced search, users also can search blogs by author
- Blog Details
- Wide cover photo for each Blog
- Separated section for blog owner’s profile picture, information
- Users can like, comment, share, favorite blog
- Users can follow, get RSS, view all blogs of Author
- Support Addthis to share blog to other social networks
- My Blogs
- List out all blogs which have been written/created by current logging in users
- Search for blogs by Title, sort, number items per page, time
- My Favorite
- List out all blogs which have been favored by current logging in users
- Mass action to unfavorite blogs
- Friend’s Blog
- List out all blogs which have been written/created by friends of current logging in users
- Write New Blogs
- Ability to select a category, assign multiple tags
- CKEditor editor for description
- Set privacy to control who can see/comment on blogs
- Ability to add a photo from uploaded photos
- Users can embed media (photos, videos, etc..) to blog content also
- Import Blogs
- Auto importing from external sources: WordPress/ Blogger/ Tumblr
- Blocks
- Blogs: Most Popular, Top Bloggers, Continue Reading, You Might Like, Featured Blogs, Newest Blog
- Blog details: Related Blogs, Same Author, About Author
- Bloggers: Hot Bloggers
Back End
- User Group Settings: Manage permission for each user group
- Permission to Approve, Deny, Feature blogs
- Permission to create, embed media, edit, delete, comment, follow blogs
- Settings
- Admin can set a maximum number of items on blocks
- Ability to select default mode view for Recent Posts block
- Option to enable/disable RSS
- Enable custom URL
- Manage Categories
- Support 3 levels of categories
- Support drag and drop
- Admin can edit, delete a category
- Add New Category
- Manage Blogs
- Allow search for blogs by Title, Author, Featured, Category, Status
- Admin can Approve, Deny, Feature/Unfeature, Edit, Delete Blog
- Support mass action to delete, approve, deny blogs
- Import Basic Blog
- Ability to select blogs in Basic Blog will be imported into Advanced Blog
- Block: Choose a defined time to get the Most Popular Blogs (All time, This month, This week)
Installation & Upgrade Guide
- Please follow all steps in this installation guide in order to make this app work properly
- If you need any assistance, please submit a new ticket at the client area (http://phpfox.younetco.com/client)
- phpFox version: Please check ChangeLog.html for the best compatible version.
Installation Steps
01. Install YouNetCo Advanced Blog App on the phpFox Store
02. Rebuild Bootstrap Core (at AdminCP > Themes > Edit theme > Rebuild Bootstrap Core).
03. Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance > Cache Manager > Clear Cache).
Upgrade Steps
01. Upgrade our latest version
02. Rebuild Bootstrap Core (at AdminCP > Themes > Edit theme > Rebuild Bootstrap Core).
03. Clear your cache site (at Admin Panel > Tools > Cache Manager > Clear Cache)
Congratulations! You finished the Installation/Upgrade process.
Version 4.02p5
1. Release Date: March 22, 2022
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.8.x
3. Improvements:
- Support Sponsor/Sponsor in Feed
- Add setting for spamming control
- Add settings for email notifications
- UI Improvements
4. Bug Fixes:
- Admin cannot approve pending blogs in AdminCP
- Searching by "Author" does not work in AdminCP
- Validating some settings such as Maximum file size, Points received when adding a blog, ...
- Fixing "Denied" feature
- Missing notification when user create blogs in page
- Message content issues
- Layout issues
5. Changed files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/AddCategoryList.php
- M Block/BlogList.php
- M Block/FeedItem.php
- M Block/HotTags.php
- M Block/RecentComment.php
- M Block/Rss.php
- M Controller/AddController.php
- M Controller/Admin/AddCategoryController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ImportCoreBlogController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ManageBlogsController.php
- M Controller/EmbedController.php
- M Controller/FrameUploadController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/RssController.php
- M Controller/ViewController.php
- M Install.php
- M Installation/Data/YnBlogv402.php
- M Installation/Data/YnBlogv402p3.php
- A Installation/Data/YnBlogv402p5.php
- M Installation/Database/YnBlog_Blogs.php
- M Libraries/Tumblr.php
- M Service/Blog.php
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/Permission.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/css/owl.carousel.css
- M assets/embed.css
- M assets/jscript/Owl-slider/owl.carousel.js
- M assets/jscript/add.js
- M assets/jscript/admin.js
- M assets/jscript/manage.js
- M assets/jscript/tinymce/plugins/codesample/css/prism.css
- M assets/jscript/tinymce/plugins/example/dialog.html
- M assets/jscript/tinymce/plugins/visualblocks/css/visualblocks.css
- M assets/jscript/tinymce/skins/lightgray/fonts/tinymce-small.svg
- M assets/jscript/tinymce/skins/lightgray/fonts/tinymce.svg
- M assets/main.less
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- M hooks/user.service_process_add_updatestatus_end.php
- M hooks/validator.admincp_settings_ynblog.php
- A hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_ynblog.php
- M installer.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/add_category_list.html.php
- M views/block/admin/importchoosecategory.html.php
- M views/block/adv_search.html.php
- M views/block/author.html.php
- M views/block/blog_list.html.php
- M views/block/category.html.php
- M views/block/entry.html.php
- M views/block/entry_blogger.html.php
- M views/block/entry_category.html.php
- M views/block/entry_comment_block.html.php
- M views/block/export_blogger.html.php
- M views/block/export_tumblr.html.php
- M views/block/export_wordpress.html.php
- M views/block/feed_item.html.php
- M views/block/hot_tags.html.php
- M views/block/link.html.php
- M views/block/other_authors.html.php
- M views/block/pager.html.php
- M views/block/recent_comment.html.php
- M views/block/rss.html.php
- M views/block/tag_author.html.php
- M views/block/top_blogger.html.php
- M views/block/top_categories.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/add-category.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/category.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/importcoreblogs.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/manageblogs.html.php
- M views/controller/embed.html.php
- M views/controller/following.html.php
- M views/controller/import.html.php
- M views/controller/index.html.php
- M views/controller/rss.html.php
- M views/controller/view.html.php
Version 4.02p4
1. Release Date: July 26, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.8.x
3. Bug Fixes:
- Can not import blog with Tumblr - Always show error
- Import blog/Add new blog with the image from insecure URL (http)
- Did not delete photo after Items were deleted
- When uploading an image with the link from photo app, the image does not display in the blog detail page
- Show Advanced blog tab on Page detail page even though disabled the setting "Can add a new blog"
- My following bloggers - Not load default cover photo
- CSS issues
4. Changed files:
- M Block/BlogList.php
- M Block/TopBlogger.php
- M Controller/FollowingController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Install.php
- M Libraries/Tumblr.php
- M Service/Blog.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/entry.html.php
- M views/block/feed_item.html.php
- M views/controller/embed.html.php
- M views/controller/import.html.php
- M views/controller/index.html.php
- M views/controller/rss.html.php
- M views/controller/view.html.php
Version 4.02p3
1. Release Date: August 23, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Integrate Saved items app
4. Bug Fixes:
- Disable "Keep non-square image" - Not show blog image
- Issue when creating a blog on a group
- Search blog issue in AdminCP
- Top blogger block works incorrectly
- AdminCP - Import Core Blog - Issues in Calendar
- Pages/Group - Adv search does not work
- Blog Detail - Not hide Save button for pending blogs
- Create a new blog - Not keep all data that the user has just inputted if having errors.
- Missing Phrases
5. Changed files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/AddController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ImportCoreBlogController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ManageBlogsController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Install.php
- D Installation/Data/YnBlogv402p3.php
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/Permission.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- M installer.php
- M phrase.json
- M views/block/adv_search.html.php
- M views/block/entry_blogger.html.php
- M views/block/link.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/importcoreblogs.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/manageblogs.html.php
- M views/controller/following.html.php
- M views/controller/index.html.php
- M views/controller/view.html.php
Version 4.02p2
1. Release Date: July 4th, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.7.x
3. Bug fixes:
- Issue when filtering by "Featured"
- Missing phrase & Translation block issues.
- Layout issues
- No default cover on "Author" block in the Detail Page
Version 4.02p1
1. Release Date: May 7, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Support all blocks to display well in block location 6
- Support Advanced Blog API app
4. Bug fixes:
- The owner can favorite/save their own blogs
- Fix Category issue
Version 4.02
1. Release Date: Feb 1, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Improve layout
- Combine similar blocks into one
- Add new blocks: "You Might Like", "Continue Reading", "Top Categories"
- Add new setting to toggle RSS function
- Add new setting to change app url
4. Bug fixes:
- Blog status becomes Publish after editing a Draft blog
5. Changed files:
- Install.php
- installer.php
- phrase.json
- start.php
- Ajax/Ajax.php
- assets/autoload.js
- assets/main.less
- assets/image/icon_blogger.png
- assets/image/icon_tumblr.png
- assets/image/icon_wordpress.png
- assets/jscript/admin.js
- Block/AddCategoryList.php
- Block/Author.php
- Block/BlogList.php
- Block/Category.php
- Block/FeaturedBlog.php
- Block/FeedItem.php
- Block/HotBlogger.php
- Block/HotTags.php
- Block/MostDiscussed.php
- Block/MostFavorite.php
- Block/MostFavoriteLeft.php
- Block/MostRead.php
- Block/OtherAuthors.php
- Block/RecentComment.php
- Block/RecentPosts.php
- Block/RelatedBlog.php
- Block/Rss.php
- Block/SameAuthor.php
- Block/TopBlogger.php
- Block/TopCategories.php
- Controller/AddController.php
- Controller/FollowingController.php
- Controller/ImportController.php
- Controller/IndexController.php
- Controller/ViewController.php
- Controller/Admin/AddCategoryController.php
- hooks/admincp.component_controller_index_process_menu.php
- hooks/admincp.service_maintain_delete_files_get_list.php
- hooks/profile.service_profile_get_profile_menu.php
- hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- hooks/template_gettemplate.php
- hooks/template_template_getmenu_process_menu.php
- hooks/validator.admincp_settings_ynblog.php
- hooks/ynblog.controller_index_clean.php
- Installation/Data/YnBlogv401.php
- Installation/Data/YnBlogv402.php
- Service/Blog.php
- Service/Browse.php
- Service/Callback.php
- Service/Category.php
- Service/Helper.php
- Service/Process.php
- views/block/add_category_list.html.php
- views/block/adv_search.html.php
- views/block/author.html.php
- views/block/blog_list.html.php
- views/block/category.html.php
- views/block/entry.html.php
- views/block/entry_blogger.html.php
- views/block/entry_category.html.php
- views/block/entry_comment_block.html.php
- views/block/featured_blog.html.php
- views/block/feed_item.html.php
- views/block/hot_blogger.html.php
- views/block/hot_tags.html.php
- views/block/link.html.php
- views/block/most_discussed.html.php
- views/block/most_favorite.html.php
- views/block/most_favorite_left.html.php
- views/block/most_read.html.php
- views/block/other_authors.html.php
- views/block/recent_comment.html.php
- views/block/recent_posts.html.php
- views/block/related-blog.html.php
- views/block/rss.html.php
- views/block/same_author.html.php
- views/block/top_blogger.html.php
- views/block/top_categories.html.php
- views/controller/add.html.php
- views/controller/following.html.php
- views/controller/import.html.php
- views/controller/index.html.php
- views/controller/view.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/add-category.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/category.html.php
Version 4.01p3
1. Release Date: Oct 29, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Compatible with phpFox 4.7.0
Version 4.01p2
1. Release Date: March 16th, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Improvements:
- Missing "Can add a new blog?" group setting
- ACP - Manage blogs - Cannot search by category
- Issues layout
- Notification - Show empty message when user tagged in blog detail
- Edit blogs imported from Tumblr - Image does not display
- Saved blogs - Filter result redirected to All blogs page
- Import blog - Show error when import tumblr
4. Changed Files:
- Controller/AddController.php
- Controller/IndexController.php
- Service/Callback.php
- views/controller/index.html.php
- views/controller/view.html.php
- assets/main.less
Version 4.01p1
1. Release Date: January 17th, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Improvements:
- Support 3 paging modes.
- Use addthis component of core.
- Improve layout.
4. Changed files:
- Ajax/Ajax.php
- Block/FeaturedBlog.php
- Block/HotBlogger.php
- Block/HotTags.php
- Block/MostDiscussed.php
- Block/MostFavorite.php
- Block/MostFavoriteLeft.php
- Block/MostRead.php
- Block/OtherAuthors.php
- Block/RecentComment.php
- Block/RecentPosts.php
- Block/RelatedBlog.php
- Block/SameAuthor.php
- Controller/AddController.php
- Controller/Admin/AddCategoryController.php
- Controller/Admin/ImportCoreBlogController.php
- Controller/Admin/ManageBlogsController.php
- Controller/ExportController.php
- Controller/FrameUploadController.php
- Controller/IndexController.php
- Controller/ViewController.php
- Install.php
- Service/Blog.php
- Service/Callback.php
- Service/Helper.php
- Service/Process.php
- assets/main.less
- hooks/template_template_getmenu_process_menu.php
- start.php
- views/block/adv_search.html.php
- views/block/author.html.php
- views/block/entry.html.php
- views/block/link.html.php
- views/block/most_discussed.html.php
- views/block/most_favorite_left.html.php
- views/block/most_read.html.php
- views/block/tag_author.html.php
- views/controller/add.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/add-category.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/category.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/importcoreblogs.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/manageblogs.html.php
- views/controller/index.html.php
- views/controller/view.html.php
Version 4.01
1. Release Date: Octorber 2nd, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.x