![Advanced Event [V4] - YouNetCo](https://phpfox-store.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/07/03033606/ync-adv-event.jpg)
Advanced Event [V4] - YouNetCo
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.03p3
- Support PHP 8.0
- Events in pages/groups that user has no permission to view now are not show on the event listing page
- Improve events order in Admin manage page
- Support "Sponsor In Feed" feature
- Add more settings for Email Notification
- Add a setting for DateTime format
- Add a new notification to the event owner when members post new videos into event
- Fix bugs
Ready with phpFox 4.8.9
Advanced Event plug-in includes many features that help users manage their online event registration and make their events more successful and profitable. Custom field for event categories is a great tool which helps admin add more fields to event creation or event edition such as: website, event type, etc. Users can browse for interesting events by advanced search criteria: description, month, past events and proximity search (location + distance). Also, with provided blocks such as Featured Events, Calendar, Past Events, Advanced Event makes, it is easier for user to access any site event.
- YouNetCo Core V4 app version 4.02p2 or later.
Key Features
- Manage Events in Back End
- There are 3 view modes: List, Grid and Map
- Calendar page for filtering Events per month
- Recurring Event generates an instance each time recurring event repeats
- View events on Google Map
- Integrate with Google Calendar
- Admin can add custom fields to forms that are specific to each event category
- Proximity search is applied
- Improve event search by adding more criteria: search by description/month/past events
Packages that include this product:
Front End
- All Events
- Lists out all available events in the site
- Many blocks:
- Featured Events: slider with all featured events
- Up-coming Events: lists out all up-coming events in 3 mode views List, Grid and Map view
- On-going Events: lists out all on-going events in 3 mode views List, Grid and Map view
- Invites: the event which user may want to attend
- Calendar: highlighted with all available events’ dates of that month
- Sponsored Events: lists out all sponsored events by user
- Past Events: side block lists out past events
- Most Liked Events: side block lists out all events which liked by user
- Most Viewed Events: side block lists out all most viewed events by users
- Most Discussed Events: side block lists out all events which have the most discussion
- Advance Search: proximity search by location, category, email and radius mile
- My Events:
- List out all the events created by current user
- Many blocks:
- Invites: the event which user may want to attend
- Sponsored Events: lists out all sponsored events by current user
- Calendar: highlighted with all available events’ dates of current user in that month
- Past Events: side block lists out past events of current user
- Most Liked Events: side block lists out all events which liked by current user
- Most Viewed Events: side block lists out all most viewed events by current user
- Most Discussed Events: side block lists out all current user’s events which have the most discussion
- Create New Event
- Choose a category (and sub-category if available) for the Event
- What are you planning? for Event title
- Description: support Hashtag in Event Description
- Configure Start Time, End Time and if this event will be repeated or not (daily, weekly or monthly)
- Set the location the event will be taken place.
- Configure event’s privacy:
- Who can see the event?
- Who can share the event?
- Photo: can upload many photos but the one with gray border (being clicked) will be the main photo of the event.
- Invite Guests
- Invite friends from your friend list to invite to the event.
- Invite friends via email
- Manage Guest List
- Create any email to send to all guess of the event
- Mass Email
- View An Event
- Submit Your RSVP and add the event to your Google Calendar to get reminder.
- Google Map to view the location the event will be taken place.
- Ability to like, share and leave comments in an event.
- Block showing guest list of the event.
- Block showing Event information which includes Location, Description and Recurrent Events.
- Show time left until event happens
- Calendar
- List all events to the large calendar
- Friend’s Events:
- User are able to see the lists of all events of their friends
- Many blocks such as Invites, Sponsored Events, Calendar, Past Events, Most Likes, Most Discussed, Most Viewed
- Featured Events:
- Lists all featured events in the site
- Many blocks such as Invites, Sponsored Events, Calendar, Past Events, Most Likes, Most Discussed, Most Viewed
- Events I’m Attending: lists all the events which current user are attending
- Events I May Attend: lists all the events which current user may attend
- Events I’m not attending: lists all the events which current user are not attending
- Events Invites: lists all the events which user may want to attend
- View on Google Map:
- User are able to view all the events on Google Map and able to select Location, City, Radius to search for events
- Integrate with Profile Popup
- Integrate with Social Publisher
- Integrate with Page
- Integrate with User Profile
- Integrate with YouNetCo Affiliate
- Integrate with YouNetCo Advanced Feed
- Add breadcrumb for several pages
- Support sharing by AddThis in event detail page
Back End
- Settings:
- Configure the number of Events on Upcoming Events, On Going Events Block
- Configure the number of Events on Most Liked Events, Most Viewed Events, Most Discussed Events Block
- Configure time stamp used when displaying events on a users profile
- Maximum instances of each repeated events
- Number of subscribers will be sent email for new events which happen within days
- Configure the number of events for Upcoming Events, Past Events Block on Right Side
- Configure time stamp displayed when browsing events
- Configure time stamp that is used when viewing an event
- Configure time stamp that is used when viewing an event
- Add Category
- Create more categories and sub-categories
- Manage Categories
- Edit/delete a specific category or sub-category
- Drag and drop to change position of categories and sub-categories
- Add Custom Field
- Add more fields for members to fill in when creating an event.
- These custom fields are based on Categories.
- Manage Custom Fields
- Drag and drop to change the positions of custom fields
- Set default location of Google Map
- Choose a location on Google Map to be the default one
- Google API Setting
- Configure Google API to enable Google Calendar in FrontEnd
- Migration Events
- Transfer all pre-created events from phpFox Event to fEvent
- Manage Events
- Admin can featured/unfeatured/sponsor/delete events
- Manage User Group
Please follow all steps in this Installation & Upgrade guide in order to make this module work properly
1. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install YouNet Advanced Event App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
2. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version from phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
- If you upgrade Advanced Event from old version to version 4.03 or later, you can configure blocks as our suggestion:
Event Home Page Block 2: - Featured Events - Find Events - Birthdays - Upcoming Events - Suggested Events - Subscribe Event Block 3: - Categories - Calendar - Event Reminder - Invitation - Ongoing Events Event Calendar Page Block 3: - Categories - Popular Events Event View/Detail Page Block 3: - Related Events Block 4: - Core Activity Feed
#### Congratulations! You have finished the Installation/Upgrade process. #### If you need any assistance, please submit a new ticket at the client area (http://phpfox.younetco.com/client)
Version 4.03p3
1. Release Date: Jul 16, 2021
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.8.x
3. Improvements:
- Support PHP 8.0
- Events in pages/groups that user has no permission to view now not show on event listing page
- Improve events order in Admin manage page
- Support "Sponsor In Feed" feature
- Add more settings for Email Notification
- Add a setting for DateTime format
- Add a new notification to the event owner when member post new videos in event feed
4. Bug fixes:
- Category name is not show correctly in manage page of site admin
- Events geolocation is not saved correctly
- Event feeds, create duplicated feed after editing a photo post
- Bad notification content for event owner when members post photos in event feed
- Event owner receive notification emails about evens in incorrect language
- Prevent overwrite core-event delete function
- Maps do not show in check-in feeds of events
- Event guests list popup: next page not working
- Layout issues
5. Changed files:
- M Install.php
- M phrase.json
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/gcalendar.php
- M assets/main.less
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/auth/Google_OAuth2.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_CalendarService.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/io/Google_CurlIO.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/io/Google_REST.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_BatchRequest.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_MediaFileUpload.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_Model.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_Service.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_ServiceResource.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_Utils.php
- M assets/jscript/admin.js
- M assets/jscript/map.js
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M hooks/bundle__start.php
- M hooks/feed.component_block_display_process_end.php
- M hooks/feed.component_block_edit_user_status_end.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Feed_Comment.php
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/FEvent.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M views/block/action-link.html.php
- M views/block/event-item.html.php
- M views/block/guest-list.html.php
- M views/block/search.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/manageevents.html.php
Version 4.03p2
1. Release Date: November 11, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Support showing event on Maps
4. Bug fixes:
- Events created from Page/Group should display on RSS Feeds, on Event Calendar
- URL name be lost after changing some adv event settings and clearing cache
- Waiting reply number display not correct
- No reminder emails sent to attendees
- Calendar block - Missed icon for friends' birthday
- Layout issues
5. Changed files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/CalendarBlock.php
- M Block/EventList.php
- M Block/GuestListBlock.php
- M Controller/Admin/Custom/AddController.php
- M Controller/Admin/LocationController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ManageEventsController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/ViewController.php
- M Install.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Admin.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Category_Data.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Cron.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Cronlog.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Custom_Field.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Custom_Value.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Gapi.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Setting.php
- M Installation/Database/Fevent_Subscribe_Email.php
- M Installation/Version/v403.php
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category/Category.php
- M Service/Category/Process.php
- M Service/Custom/Custom.php
- M Service/Custom/Process.php
- M Service/FEvent.php
- M Service/GApi/Process.php
- M Service/Helper.php
- M Service/MultiCat.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/auth/Google_OAuth2.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/auth/Google_P12Signer.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_CalendarService.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/external/URITemplateParser.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/io/Google_CurlIO.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/io/Google_HttpRequest.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/io/Google_REST.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_BatchRequest.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_MediaFileUpload.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_Model.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_ServiceResource.php
- M assets/google-api-php-client/src/service/Google_Utils.php
- D assets/image/map_ico.png
- D assets/image/map_ico_hover.png
- D assets/image/no_image.png
- M assets/jscript/view.js
- M assets/main.less
- M hooks/template_template_getmenu_1.php
- M hooks/user.component_block_admincp_setting_clean.php
- M hooks/validator.admincp_settings_fevent.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- D views/block/rsvp-action-map.html.php
- M views/block/rsvp-action.html.php
- M views/block/search.html.php
- M views/controller/add.html.php
- M views/controller/view.html.php
Version 4.03p1
1. Release Date: June 17, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Improve Event Search feature
- Event details - Able to navigate to next or previous photos in a Photo feed item
4. Bug fixes:
- Edit Event - Show error when editing a repeated event
- Edit repeat event: changing category is not applied to its upcoming events
- Layout issues
Version 4.03
1. Release Date: May 30, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.2 - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- New beautiful design layout
- Improve Advanced Search form
- New Find Events block
- Add Events Ticket info
- Notification Reminder feature
- Able to create a new event with clear wizard pattern
- Combine similar blocks into one
- Utilize with Core 's crontab, so no need to configure Crontab anymore
4. Bug fixes:
- Delete events on Pages/Group doesn't work
- Events created on Pages/Groups are auto public without approval
- Can only see own events on Sponsored Events block
- Can not un-sponsor an event after Sponsored with payment
- Show duplicate feed after approve a pending event
- Registered users can not view adv event feed in the group feed
- Create repeated events and use CDN - the repeated events missed photos
- Calendar block does not load calendar on Internet Explorer
- Edit event > Manage Guest List - Load info of other tabs after load more
- AdminCP - Add new categories - Not load new categories in Parent Category
- Add missing phrases
Version 4.02p2
1. Release Date: Oct 29, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x - 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Compatible with phpFox 4.7.0
Version 4.02p1
1. Release Date: May 4, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Improvements:
- Compatible with phpFox 4.6.1
- Update layouts
Version 4.02
1. Release Date: January 18, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Improvements:
- Compatible with phpFox 4.6.0
- Add/Edit form: show time fields in a line on mobile
- Move 'User group settings' to manage app detail page in AdminCP
4. Bugs Fixed:
- Photo not show on imported event
- View on Gmap popup doesn't update location after input search value
Version 4.01p6
1. Release Date: September 27, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.x
3. Improvements:
- Integrate with YNC Affiliate
- Integrate with YNC Advanced Feed
- Add breadcrumb for several pages
- Support sharing by Addthis in event detail page
4. Fixed Bugs:
- Can not load map when change location in ACP Set default location of Google Map
- Slide navigators of Feature Events do not work after opening Notification
- Category items in ACP Manage Custom Fields can be dragged/dropped even they can not be re-ordered here.
- Some layout issues
5. Changed Files:
- upload/include/xml/younet_advevent4.xml
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/ajax/ajax.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/add.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/custom/add.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/custom/index.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/index.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/location.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/manageevents.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/migrations.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/admincp/settinggapi.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/component/controller/view.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/service/custom/custom.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/service/fevent.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/include/service/process.class.php
- upload/module/fevent/static/css/default/default/main.less
- upload/module/fevent/static/jscript/index.js
- upload/module/fevent/template/default/block/gmap.html.php
- upload/module/fevent/template/default/block/info.html.php
- upload/module/fevent/template/default/controller/add.html.php
- upload/module/fevent/template/default/controller/admincp/custom/index.html.php
- upload/module/fevent/template/default/controller/index.html.php
- upload/module/fevent/template/default/controller/pagecalendar.html.php
- upload/module/fevent/template/default/controller/view.html.php
Version 4.01p5
1. Release Date: January 3, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.x
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.5.0
Version 4.01p4
1. Release Date: July 22, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.4.0
3. Improvement(s):
- Feed event - Improvement for displaying events on Feed
- All events - Should put upcoming/On going label to the top
- Improvement for caching when create Categories in adminCP
4. Bug fixes:
- Unable to update the Country information of the Event
- Several Problems with Calendar Page
Version 4.01p3
1. Release Date: April 21, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.3.2
Version 4.01p2
1. Release Date: February 26, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.2.2
Version 4.01p1
1. Release Date: February 3, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.2.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Update css to avoid override other modules.
- Compatible with phpFox v4.2.0
Version 4.01
1. Release Date: December 1, 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.1.x