![Auction [V4] - YouNetCo](https://phpfox-store.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/07/03033914/ync-auction.jpg)
Auction [V4] - YouNetCo
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.02p3
- Fix bugs
Ready with phpFox 4.8.9
The auction is an eBay-like module which allows members on your community to put up items for sale and have other users place bids to win, or make an offer, buy now to directly buy the items. With YouNet’s phpFox Auction, it will be easy and quick to set up your site as a professional auction website in eBay style. Furthermore, it is very simple and flexible: as the sellers, users can easily keep track of their activities such as selling statistic, auctions management, bid history, orders management, etc; as the admin, you can earn money by charging publishing fee, featuring fee, and generally manage whole activities inside Auction module.
Notice: E-commerce (https://store.phpfox.com/product/1177/younet-ecommerce) must be installed prior to installing Auction app.
Key Feature
- Members can create auctions for others to bids, make an offer, and buy now
- Browse auctions by different criteria: featured, new, most liked, etc
- Seller management:
- Manage the created auctions, approve/deny the offer, selling statistics, etc.
- Manage auction details: shipping and payment, bid history, offer history, etc.
- Buyer management: my bids, didn’t win, my won bids, my offers, my watched list, etc
- Friend’s auction, Auctions my friends bid on, Auctions won by friends
- Integrated with User Profile
- Integrate with Page
Packages that include this product:
Front End
- Support 3 mode views: list, grid, pinboard
- Browse Auctions
- Show list of Auctions in 3 mode views
- Can search auction by basic search or advanced search
- Mouse hover to view categories with 2 levels of sub categories. Support Categories page which allow user to see all categories and theirs sub categories
- Support many attractive blocks for users to quick view auctions:
- Featured Auctions
- Weekly Hot Auctions
- Today’s Live Auctions
- Auctions Ending Today
- Upcoming Auctions
- Auction My Friends Bid On
- Most Liked Auctions
- Auction Detail: in this page, users can view all information of auction as well as its pages and actions
- Can view general information of auction:
- Main photo and slider of photos
- Time left, reserve price, current bid
- Auction statistics such as total bids, total views
- Seller information includes seller name, location and total auctions of this seller
- Can view child pages of this auction:
- Overview which contains auction description, additional information and some custom fields
- Shipping and payment information
- Bid history
- Offer history (seller view)
- Chart for bidding
- Activities
- Photos: all users who have permission can post photos for this auction
- Videos: all users who have permission can post videos for this auction
- Can perform some action on the auction based on its status
- Bid
- Buy Now
- Make Offer
- Add to Watch List
- Add to compare
- Share auction
- Like auction
- Message seller
- Print auction
- Some blocks:
- Other Auctions From This Seller
- Buyers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed
- Auctions You May Like
- Can view general information of auction:
- Seller Section
- Users can track selling performance on Statistics page
- Sales ($) by month, year (Total amount of money sold each month, year)
- Number of auctions sold (Total number of auctions sold each month, year)
- Total amount charged by site each month, year (featured fee, publish fee, commission fee)
- Can overview auctions on Manage Auctions page
- Show list of auctions that current logged-in user has created
- Perform actions basing on their statuses: Publish, Delete, Close, Clone
- Add New Auctions with some important attributes:
- Reserve price
- Buy Now price
- Start Date / End Date / Start Time / End Time
- and many more
- Have Dashboard to manage individual auction
- Ability to edit auction’s info
- View Bid History with the list of bids and visual chart
- View Offer List with the ability to Approve / Deny offers and Send Message to the bidders
- Ability to upload multiple photos for auction
- Ability to change between 2 different attractive themes for auction detail page
- Sellers have to configure prices, bid increment, and transfer owner in Settings page
- Buy Now option
- Fixed price (Buy It Now price) > Reserve price (x%)
- Buy It Now option disappears and bidding continues until the listing ends (Yes/No)
- Buy It Now option is available until bids reach y% of the Buy It Now price
- Offers (Offer price > Reserve price (z%))
- Bid increment : Can adjust bid increment by categories (default value by site admin)
- Manage Orders: sellers in this module can manage their orders in Ecommerce module
- My Request: sellers can manage their request or send request to withdraw money in Ecommerce module
- Users can track selling performance on Statistics page
- Buyer Section
- Can overview of all auctions that current logged-in user has bidden in My Bids page
- My Bidden History on individual auction
- My Offers page – where users can track on the offers they have made on the auctions
- Show list of auctions that users have offered
- If sellers Approve/Deny, show statuses to inform about his offer is approved or denied
- Ability to Send Message to seller
- Users can also review the auction that I loose on Didn’t Win page
- My Won Bids
- Show list of auctions current logged-in user won
- Ability to add won bids to cart to start the buying process
- My Cart , Checkout, My Orders – these page will link to Ecommerce module where buyers can keep track on their bought items and transactions.
- Ability to add favorite auctions to My Watch List page
Users also will receive notifications when the auction ended - Ability to compare auctions basing on various criteria: Name, Reserve Price, Number of Bids, Number of Orders, Number of Views, Custom Fields, and more
- Can overview of all auctions that current logged-in user has bidden in My Bids page
- Integrate with User Profile
- Integrate with Page
- Pending Auctions: allow admin to approve auctions at front end
Back End
- Global Settings
- Ability for admin to manage maximum number of cover photos and their uploaded sizes
- Manage Auctions
- Can overview all auctions
- Ability to Approve / Deny / Edit / Delete auctions
- Feature / Unfeature selected auctions
- Define Bid Increment
- Ability to define bidding rule by categories
- Manage Orders
- Admin can overview all order throughout the site via Ecommerce module
- Manage UOM / Add UOM
- Manage and add new Unit Of Measurement in Ecommerce module
- Manage Category / Add Category
- Manage and add new Category / Sub-Category in Ecommerce module
- Manage Custom Field Groups / Add New Custom Field Groups
- Manage and add new Custom Field Groups in Ecommerce module
- Manage Transaction
- Manage all transaction on the site in Ecommerce module
- Manage Request
- Admin can overview and take actions (approve/deny) on all requests to withdraw money in Ecommerce module
(Note: Ecommerce is a different, common module – where buyer and seller can track all of their trading activities throughout the site)
Please follow all steps in this Installation & Upgrade guide in order to make this module work properly
1. Requirement
Install E-commerce app on phpFox Store first.
2. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install YouNet Auction App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
- Set write permission to folder:
- "PF.Base/file/pic/ynauction" (CHMOD: 777).
- "PF.Base/file/pic/ynecommerce" (CHMOD: 777).
3. Setup Crontab
- To get the cron command, copy one of these two links below and paste it into your browser address bar:
- http://sitename.com/PF.Base/module/auction/cron.php (run directly manually)
- http://sitename.com/PF.Base/module/auction/info.php
- Note: replace "sitename.com" with your site URL.
- For example: " http://abc.com/PF.Base/module/auction/info.php "
- Video Guide: http://knowledgebase.younetco.com/2015/08/21/how-to-setup-cron-job-video-guide/
4. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version.
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
#### Congratulations! You have finished the Installation/Upgrade process. #### If you need any assistance, please submit a new ticket at the client area (http://phpfox.younetco.com/client)
Version 4.02p3
1. Release Date: Dec 24, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x ~ 4.8.x
3. Bugs fixed
- Could not load default image
- CSS issues
4. Changed Files
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/ajax/ajax.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/auctions-bidden-by-my-friends.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/auctions-you-may-like.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/buyers-also-viewed.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/detail-header-info.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/detailcheckinlist.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/featured-auctions.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/most-liked-auctions.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/new-auctions.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/other-auctions-from-this-seller.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/block/weekly-hot-auctions.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/compareauction.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/didnt-win.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/edit.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/index.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/my-bids.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/my-offers.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/my-won-bids.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/plugin/ynauction.component_controller_didnt_win_clean.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/plugin/ynauction.component_controller_index_clean.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/plugin/ynauction.component_controller_my_bids_clean.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/plugin/ynauction.component_controller_my_offers_clean.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/plugin/ynauction.component_controller_my_won_bids_clean.php
- M upload/module/auction/include/service/callback.class.php
- M upload/module/auction/phpfox.xml
- M upload/module/auction/phrase.json
- M upload/module/auction/static/css/default/default/main.less
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/category.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/detail-header-info.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/detailcheckinlist.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/detailvideolist.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/featured-auctions.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/feedrows.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/listing-product-item-gridview-slide.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/listing-product-item-gridview.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/listing-product-item-listview.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/listing-product-item-pinboardview.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/listing-product-item.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/search.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/todays-live-auction.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/weekly-hot-auctions.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/compareauction.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/didnt-win.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/my-bids.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/my-offers.html.php
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/my-won-bids.html.php
Version 4.02p2
1. Release Date: Aug 14, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x ~ 4.7.x
3. Bugs fixed
- Can create new auction even though owner does not config Paypal account in Account settings
- Layout issues
4. Changed Files
- M upload/module/auction/static/css/default/default/main.less
- M upload/module/auction/template/default/block/detail-header-info.html.php
Version 4.02p1
1. Release Date: Nov 2, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x ~ 4.7.0
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.7.0
Version 4.02
1. Release Date: January 31, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.6.0
- Improvement the feed layout
- Add the paginator
- Add meta data field
- Move 'User group settings' to manage app detail page
- Improvement some layout
4. Fixed Bugs:
- Cannot close auction
- Cannot edit auction
- Show 500 errror when view item created in Page after disable Pages
- Message display "undefined" when add new address in Checkout Page
- Fix some layout issues
5. Changed files:
- upload/include/xml/younet_auction4.xml
- upload/module/auction/include/component/block/*
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/*
- upload/module/auction/include/service/*
- upload/module/auction/phpfox.xml
- upload/module/auction/phrase.json
- upload/module/auction/static/css/default/default/main.less
- upload/module/auction/template/default/block/*
- upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/*
Version 4.01p8
1. Release Date: September 21, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.3
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.5.3
4. Fixed Bugs:
- Do not set winner after an auction complete
- Show duplicate auctions in all page
- Show wrong feed title when sharing multiple photos in auction detail page
- Show strange error message when clone auction
- Show wrong icon for next and previous icon in sliders of Feature Auction block
- Result for nothing when search by sub-categories in All Auction page
- "People who liked this" block does not show user avatar
- "Can approve auction" setting do not affect to other user-level except admin
- Cannot add won auction to cart
- Fix some layout issues
5. Changed files:
- upload/include/xml/younet_auction4.xml
- upload/module/auction/include/component/block/menu-edit-auction-link.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/component/block/menu-seller.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/add.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/bid-history.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/cover-photos.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/edit.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/index.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/offer-list.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/plugin/feed.service_feed_get_custom_module.php
- upload/module/auction/include/plugin/photo.component_service_callback_getactivityfeed__1.php
- upload/module/auction/include/plugin/photo.component_service_callback_getactivityfeed__get_item_before.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/auction.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/bid/bid.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/browse.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/callback.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/helper.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/offer/offer.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/process.class.php
- upload/module/auction/phpfox.xml
- upload/module/auction/phrase.json
- upload/module/auction/static/css/default/default/main.less
- upload/module/auction/static/jscript/jquery.flexslider.js
- upload/module/auction/template/default/block/likebrowse.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/block/menu-edit-auction-link.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/block/menu-seller.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/block/weekly-hot-auctions.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/add.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/admincp/index.html.php
Version 4.01p7
1. Release Date: Jan 25, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.1
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.5.1
Version 4.01p6
1. Release Date: July 12, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.4.0
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.4.0
4. Fixed Bugs:
- Total amount not update when change number of item on checkout page
5. Changed Files
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/edit.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/callback.class.php
- upload/module/auction/include/service/process.class.php
- upload/module/auction/install/v4.01.php
- upload/module/auction/static/css/default/default/main.less
- upload/module/auction/include/component/controller/cover-photos.class.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/add.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/admincp/bidincrement.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/admincp/globalsettings.html.php
- upload/module/auction/template/default/controller/edit.html.php
Version 4.01p5
1. Release Date: April 21, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.3.2
Version 4.01p4
1. Release Date: February 29, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.2.2
Version 4.01p3
1. Release Date: January 28, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox Neutron 4.2.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.2.0
Version 4.01p2
1. Release Date: December 07, 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox Neutron 4.1.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.1.10
Version 4.01p1
1. Release Date: November 23, 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox Neutron 4.0.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.0.10
Version 4.01
1. Release Date: September 7, 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.0.x