This product can only be installed by Basic, phpFox Cloud V4, phpFox Cloud V4 Trial, Pro, Pro+, Ultimate License ID
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.6.9
- Integrate notification and email when creating a new item in Page
- UI/UX Improvements when deleting blogs
- Hide related settings in Permissions page if the setting "Can browse and view blogs/video/....." is disabled
- Able to limit the number of blogs created by user group
- Improvement for Core Global Search
- Exclude Topics of pending blogs on the "Popular Topics" block
- Not allow users to share draft blogs to the activity feed
- Fix bugs
Blog is definitely one of the most essential functionalities of social network communities. It gives your members ability to share their thoughts and insights via their personal blogs easily than ever.
Feature List
1 . All Blogs:
- Contain all blogs which the viewer has permission to view
- Each blog has title, created date, owner, some lines of description, statistics of views and likes
- Owner can perform some actions on blog as edit / delete / sponsor my blog/ sponsor in feed
- Moderators can perform some actions on blog as edit / delete / sponsor / sponsor in feed / feature
- Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
- Has 2 blocks: Featured Blogs, Sponsored Blogs
- Can search blogs by keyword, filter blogs by some criteria
- Classify blogs by categories
2 . My Blogs
- Display blogs uploaded by this user
- User can see total his / her blogs in main menu section
- Has label for pending / draft blogs
3 . My Draft Blogs
- Display all draft blogs of this user
- User can see total his / her draft blogs in main menu section
- Can publish blog directly on listing page
4 . Pending Blogs
- Display all pending blogs need to be approved
- Moderators can use mass action to approve / delete them
5 . Add A Blog
- Integrate with CKEditor, Emoji and Attachments
- Allow owner to add thumbnail photo to blog
- Add content for blog, then publish blog immediately or save it as draft
6 . Blog Detail
- Users can perform some actions on blog as like, comment, share, report
- Can view content of blog as well as the total views and likes
- Support AddThis to share the blog on other networks
- Owner and moderators can manage blog
- Has Suggestion block to suggest blogs which have the same categories with the current one
7 . Back End - Settings
- Configure to use pagination or load more in search page
- Configure to show/hide blogs which created in Page / Group on Blog app
- Configure SEO meta keywords and SEO meta description
12 . Back End - User Group Settings
- Configure all settings for each user group
13 . Back End - Manage Categories
- Can add, edit, delete, reorder categories
- Before deleting a category, admin can select another category to move all existed blogs
14 . Use global time stamp instead of having its own
15 . Configure the responsive size, number of item in each block
Installation Guide
Please follow below steps to install new phpFox Blogs app:
1 . Install the Blogs app from the store.
2 . Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
3 . Clear cache on your site.
Congratulation! You have completed installation process.
- Please visit our doc to get this information.