Digital Download - CodeMake
Apps / AdminCP ·by Codemake Software
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Make it work for you.
Without a doubt, Digital Download is a complete Digital eCommerce solution for PHPFox. Right out of the box, it is prepared to power your online business without the need of any other dependencies.
However, we believe that your system should be tailored to your needs without the added weight of unwanted functionality. We strive to perfect this balance with our customization service.
Product information:
- Product version: 1.0.7
- User guide: https://codemake.org/knowledge-base/digital-download-app/
- Compatible with phpFox: 4.2+(has been tested with latest version of phpFox!)
- Demo profile: (user: demo@codemake.org, pass: 123456)
- Frontend video YouTube
- Backend video YouTube
Key features:
- Powerful customization fields
- Many validation rules such:
- Required / Alphabet / Numeric / Email / Url / Min-Max Length/Value
- Many validation rules such:
- Powerful categories system
- Custom fields bind with category
- SEO friendly listings
- Very flexible and customizable filter system
- Owner of site can earn money with plan feature, the plan has these features:
- Digital Download Activation - free/fee
- Listing Life time(in day)
- Featured - free/fee
- Sponsored - free/fee
- Highlighted - free/fee
- Youtube video - free/fee
- Allowed pictures count - free/fee
- Clean design
- More blocks added: Featured listings, Most viewed listings, Most disscussed listings, Sponsored listings, Recent viewed listings, Similar listings, Most downloaded listings, Most liked listings etc.
- All Files:
- Show all available listings except inactive on the site
- Display items mode grid or list
- Featured, Most liked, Most downloaded, Most discussed blocks
- Search Filter: Custom filter, by Keywords, Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Downloaded)
- Provide the ability to sort the searching results (21 / 31 / 41 / 51 per page)
- My Files:
- Show all listings which is created by current logged-in user
- Search Filter: Custom filter, by Keywords, Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Downloaded)
- Display items mode grid or list
- User has the ability to Like / Comment / Share each listing
- Admin can Edit / Manage Photos / Manage Options / Deactivate / Delete
- Provide the ability to sort the searching results (21 / 31 / 41 / 51 per page)
- Friends' files:
- Show all listings except inactive which have been created by current logged-in user’s friends
- Search Filter: Custom filter, by Keywords, Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Downloaded)
- Display items mode grid or list
- Provide the ability to sort the searching results (21 / 31 / 41 / 51 per page)
- Invoices:
- Show all purchases of current logged-in user
- Moderation:
- Show all available listings including inactive on the site if logged-in user has privacy access
- Display items mode grid or list
- Featured, Most liked, Most downloaded, Most discussed blocks
- Search Filter: Custom filter, by Keywords, Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Downloaded)
- Provide the ability to sort the searching results (21/ 31 / 41 / 51 per page)
- Expired:
- Show all available listings which expired on the site
- Display items mode grid or list
- Featured, Most liked, Most downloaded, Most discussed blocks
- Search Filter: Custom filter, by Keywords, Creation Time (All Time / This Month / This Week / Today), and their Characteristics (Latest / Most Viewed / Most Liked / Most Discussed / Most Downloaded)
- Provide the ability to sort the searching results (21 / 31 / 41 / 51 per page)
- Admin / Listing owner have the ability to Like / Comment / Share / Contact Seller on each listing
- Listing Details:
- Ability to add rating stars
- Listing images are displayed in slideshow
- Purchase/Download button
- Description, standard fields and custom fields as row list
- If exist YouTube Video
- Internal sharing by Sharing on wall, Message
- Ability to Like / Comment / Share / Contact Seller
- Owner / Admin also has the ability to Edit Listing / Delete Listing / Manage Photos / Deactivate
- Additional blocks: Recently viewed, Similar, etc
- New listing:
- Choose category:
- Choose plan:
- Create digital download item:
- Title
- Description
- File price:
- Available Currencies
- Input price
- File for sell, download limit
- Privacy access control
- YouTube video link
- Edit Listing:
- Tabs:
- Details:
- Title
- Description
- File price:
- Available currencies
- Input price
- File for sell, download limit
- Custom fields bind with category
- Privacy access control
- YouTube video link
- Photo
- Invite
- Choose members
- Invite via email
- Add a personal message
- Paid/Free available options
- Setting:
- Enable/Disable app
- Featured in block
- Most viewed in block
- Most talked in block
- Most liked in block
- Most downloaded in block
- Similar products in block
- User recently viewed in block
- Highlighted color
- User Group Settings
- Add category:
- Parent
- Name (available languages)
- Title for item
- SEO keywords
- SEO description
- Active/Inactive
- Manage categories:
- Edit category
- Delete category
- Active/Inactive category
- Bind a category with custom fields
- Manage fields:
- Re-order position
- Enable/Disable field
- List of fields
- Add field:
- Type: Boolean / Multi language string / String / Text / Digital Download
- Name
- Caption (available languages)
- Validation rules
- Is searchable yes/no
- Is active yes/no
- Manage plans:
- List of plans
- Edit
- Delete
- Add plan:
- Name (available languages)
- Digital Download Activation price
- Allow pictures count
- Life time
- Featured:
- Allowed yes/no
- Featured price
- Sponsored:
- Allowed yes/no
- Sponsored price
- Highlighted:
- Allowed yes/no
- Highlighted price
- YouTube:
- Allowed yes/no
- YouTube price
- Allowed user groups
Version: 1.0.7(january 16/2018)
- Fixed some bugs
Version: 1.0.6(january 11/2018)
- Migrated to phpFox 4.6
Version: 1.0.5(december 5/2017)
- Fixed: Phrases
Version: 1.0.3(december 5/2017)
- Fixed: Phrases
Version: 1.0.2(november 26/2017)
- Added: Cancel link to delete pending invoice
- Added: Uploading message when add or update DD
- Added: Alert message that the uploading file accepted or not
- Fixed: Global Search In Admincp
- Fixed: When upgrading the app, data doesn't replaced
- Fixed: Delete phrases from database when remove "Plan" and "Fields"
- Fixed: Delete phrases from database when remove "Plan" and "Fields"
Version: 1.0.1(october 30/2017)
- Fixed: deleting phrase when deleting category
- Fixed: duplicating phrase when adding category
- Fixed: phrases
1 review