![Donation [V4] - YouNetCo](https://phpfox-store.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/07/03031432/ync-donation.png)
Donation [V4] - YouNetCo
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.02p2
- Fix bugs
Ready with phpFox 4.8.9
Using our Donation plugin is a wonderful way to spread out the love, the inspiration, the motivation and a positive life by encouraging your members to contribute to those who are in need. With Donation plugin, you can set up a simple donation process that allows the members to offer any amount of money by simply clicking on the “Donate” button. It’s about doing. It’s about action. It’s about creating a brighter, healthier and more sustainable community. And it’s about having fun, together by helping others.
Key Features
- Enable admin to manage site donation, add image for donation button and manage currencies
- Allow guests to donate and add donation on the page
- Members are added in Donation List after accomplishing the transaction.
- Send acknowledgement email to donors.
- Integrate with Activity Points
- Post feed on page that was donated, home page and donor’s page
- Integrate with Affiliate
Packages that include this product:
Front End
- Site Donation:
- Allow members to donate for a site
- Show donation button in member home page
- Page Donation:
- Members are able to enable or disable donation of a page.
- Members are able to edit PayPal account, purpose of donation, term and conditions and email template
- Enable members to donate for a page
- Donation pop-up:
- Allow users to enter donation amount
- Show purpose of donation
- Display a list of donors with option to remove a donor from list and load more donors
- Enable donors to select privacy for a donation.
- Show Term and Condition to donors and select an agreement before confirm the donation
Back End
- Settings:
- Admin is able to set the numbers of donors to fetch each time.
- Admin is able to define the maximum donation button image file size
- Manage Donation:
- Allow admin to enable or disable donation on a page, edit PayPal account, purpose of donation, term and conditions and email template
- Add Button Image:
Admin is able to import and select default image for donation button
- Manage Currencies:
- Support multiple currencies for donation such as USD, AUD, NZD, SGD, PLN, CZK, BRL, etc…
- Manage User Group:
- Enable admin to configure donation settings for each user group
- Manage Donation Payment: since the default gateway of phpfox allow only site admin to be receiver of all payments, the Manage Donation Payment will help us to allow page’s owners to receive the donation payment directly from donors.
- If Paypal gateway is active, then user is able to donate to the page and page’s owner will receive the donation
- If paypal gateway is inactive, the user is not able to donate to the page
Please follow all steps in this Installation & Upgrade guide in order to make this module work properly
1. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install YouNet Donation App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
2. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version.
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
#### Congratulations! You have finished the Installation/Upgrade process. #### If you need any assistance, please submit a new ticket at the client area (http://phpfox.younetco.com/client)
Version 4.02p2
1. Release Date: December 02, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.8.x
3. Bugs fixed:
- Donation - Currency format not correct on Feeds
- Cannot show Donation Default Image
- Cannot show Anonymous avatar
4. Changed Files:
- M upload/module/donation/include/component/block/donorlist.class.php
- M upload/module/donation/include/component/block/donors.class.php
- M upload/module/donation/include/service/callback.class.php
- M upload/module/donation/include/service/donation.class.php
Version 4.02p1
1. Release Date: Sep 5, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.x
3. Bugs fixed:
- A feed isn't created after donated for site
- Issue when sharing a donation feed
- Cannot upload an image when using CDN
- Layout issues
Version 4.02
1. Release Date: January 15, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.6.0
Version 4.01p7
1. Release Date: April 28, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.x
3. Improvements:
- Integrate with Affiliate
Version 4.01p6
1. Release Date: Dec 13, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.0
Version 4.01p5
1. Release Date: July 22, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.4.0
Version 4.01p4
1. Release Date: April 28, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.3.2
Version 4.01p3
1. Release Date: February 24, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.2.2
Version 4.01p2
1. Release Date: January 29, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.2.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.2.0
Version 4.01p1
1. Release Date: December 28, 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox Neutron 4.1.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.1.1
Version 4.01
1. Release Date: October 22, 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.0.x