This product can only be installed by Basic, phpFox Cloud V4, phpFox Cloud V4 Trial, Pro, Pro+, Ultimate License ID
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.6.7
- Admin can search users by phone number when assigning Forum Moderator
- Improve Forum permission on Global search
- Fix issues
Any subject matter and open discussion are some of the most significant activities which keep users active and being engaged in the community. Forum app offers a solid platform for users to express their ideas and opinions on a certain topic and also acquire discussion from others. The forum is categorized into several sections, and users can create topics or contribute to the discussion by sharing comments on the topic. In addition, users can follow interesting topics using subscription feature or quickly find a certain topic using helpful filters, trending keywords or recent/featured topic blocks.
- This app is applied to Basic and Pro package only. Refer to https://www.phpfox.com/pricing to see all packages.
Feature List:
1 . Main Forums
- Contain all discussion categories along with sub-categories (Each will have a number of threads and posts). User can enter each section and start posting threads.
- Quick Links to connects to most used functions: New Posts, My Threads, Subscribed Threads & Mark Forums Read
- Can search a topic using keyword or filter in some criteria
- Trending & Recent Discussion block
2 . New Posts
- User can see latest posts from all categories here
- Each post shows author and post timestamp since the last discussion
- Filter to sort the posts in the order user wants for quick reference
3. My Threads
- User can review all his/her posts & threads here.
- Each one show details of thread title, timestamp since the last discussion, number of replies & view
- User can perform some actions to thread such as Edit, Unsubscribe and Delete Thread
- Filter to sort the post in the order user wants for quick reference
4. Subscribed Threads
- User can review all his/her subscribed threads here.
- Each one show details of thread title, timestamp since the last discussion, number of replies & view
- User can perform action Unsubscribe a thread here
- Filter to sort the post in the order user wants for quick reference
5. Viewing a discussion category
- Contain a list of posts in this category
- Filter to sort the post in the order user wants for quick reference
- Subscribe to RSS feed for this category
6. Viewing a post
- Contain all details information about the post: Post title, author, timestamp of the post, topics (tags), order number of the reply.
- User can contribute to the discussion by posting a reply to the post in the reply textbox.
- User can like a reply, share a reply (with file attachment), quote a reply, edit his/her own reply, or report a reply for violation.
- User can subscribe the thread by enabling the switch or subscribe to RSS feed.
7. Posting a new Thread:
- Enter the appropriate discussion category and start a new thread
- Specify thread title, content, adding a poll to the thread and assign topics (tags) to new thread.
8. Manage Forums (Back-end setting)
- View full list of forum categories with its sub-categories
- Allow to edit details of each category
Installation Guide
Please follow below steps to install new phpFox Forum app:
1 . Install the Forum app from the store.
2 . Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
3 . Clear Cache
and Rebuild Core Theme
on your site.
Congratulation! You have completed installation process.
- Please visit our doc to get this information.