![Getting Started [V4] - YouNetCo](https://phpfox-store.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/07/03031649/ync-gettingstarted.png)
Getting Started [V4] - YouNetCo
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.02p5
- Support PHP 8.0
Ready with phpFox 4.8.9
Getting Started allows you to give your users all helpful guides to use your website, include:
- To-do List: allow admin to design recommended steps to help members get familiar with the website.
- Knowledge Base: admin can highlights information about features, modules on website to address users’ needs quickly and efficiently.
Key Features
- Support multiple languages for both To-do List and Knowledge Base to help members who live in many countries
- Related articles: when user views articles on a category, the system will show all articles of this category
- Highlight search terms: when you enter your keyword for searching, the system will highlight matching results so that you don’t have to waste time hunting them down
- Provide the place where users can easily get website’s ideas, features, rules, etc
- Allow Admin to set up time period and reminder emails to inactive members
- Show first-time members a list of what should be done after signing up
- Allow Admin to manage Knowledge Base articles, Reminder emails, To-do List in Admin Control Panel
Packages that include this product:
Front End
- Display To-Do-List to first-time users
- List Knowledge Base articles
- Block “Featured Articles”
- Automatically send reminder emails to users
Back End
- Mange User Groups
- Enable / Disable users’ comments on articles
- Manage Settings
- Enable / Disable Knowledge Base
- Define email quantity to be sent in one time
- Enable / Disable Email Reminder
- Define article quantity to be displayed on Browse Articles page
- Define article quantity for each category
- Add Email
- Add a new reminder email
- Configure supported modules and events
- Register: Welcome email will be sent after user signed up
- Log out: Reminder email will be sent when user has not logged in for a “Reminder Time”(*) period
- Blog: Reminder email will be sent when user has not posted an entry for a “Reminder Time” period
- Video: Reminder email will be sent when user has not posted a video for a “Reminder Time” period
- Photo: Reminder email will be sent when user has not posted a photo for a “Reminder Time” period
- Poll: Reminder email will be sent when user has not posted a poll for a “Reminder Time” period
- (*) Reminder Time: Admin set a certain period
- Manage Emails
- Search reminder emails
- View / Edit / Delete Reminder emails
- Add Article Category
- Add more categories to classify articles
- Manage Article Categories
- View / Add / Edit / Delete Article Categories
- Support sub-categories
- Ability to sort categories in BackEnd
- Add Article
- Add a new Knowledge-Base article
- Manage Articles
- Search Knowledge-Base articles
- View / Edit / Delete Knowledge-Base articles
- Add To-do List
- Add a new To-do List
- Manage To-do Lists
- View / Edit / Delete To-do lists
- Able to change the order of steps in To-Do List
Please follow all steps in this Installation & Upgrade guide in order to make this module work properly
1. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install YouNet Getting Started App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
2. Setup Crontab
- To get the cron command, copy one of these two links below and paste it into your browser address bar:
- http://sitename.com/PF.Base/module/gettingstarted/cron.php
- http://sitename.com/PF.Base/module/gettingstarted/info.php
- Note: replace "sitename.com" with your site URL.
- For example: " http://abc.com/PF.Base/module/gettingstarted/info.php "
- Video Guide: http://knowledgebase.younetco.com/2015/08/21/how-to-setup-cron-job-video-guide/
3. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version.
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
#### Congratulations! You have finished the Installation/Upgrade process. #### If you need any assistance, please submit a new ticket at the client area (http://phpfox.younetco.com/client)
Version 4.02p5
1. Release Date: Jul 22, 2021
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.x - 4.8.x
3. Improvement
- Support PHP 8.0
4. Changed Files
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/article.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/managemail.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/multicat.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managearticlecategory.html.php
Version 4.02p4
1. Release Date: December 02, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.8.x
3. Bugs fixed
- Can not search articles belong to sub-category
- View 'All Articles'/Articles of a category - Filter with a specific time works incorrectly.
- CSS issues
4. Changed Files
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/article.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/index.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/article.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/articlecategory.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/phrase.json
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/index.html.php
Version 4.02p4
1. Release Date: December 02, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.x
3. Bugs fixed
- Can not search articles belong to sub-category
- View 'All Articles'/Articles of a category - Filter with a specific time works incorrectly.
- CSS issues
4. Changed Files
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/article.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/index.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/article.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/articlecategory.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/phrase.json
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/index.html.php
Version 4.02p3
1. Release Date: September 22, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.x - 4.8.x
3. Bugs fixed
- Issue when editing article
- Todo list popup - Click on next button does not work
- CSS issues
4. Improvements
- Able to search by content
5. Changed Files
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/ajax/ajax.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/addarticle.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/managearticle.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/index.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/plugin/core.template_block_template_menu_1.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/articlecategory.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/process.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/phpfox.xml
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/static/css/default/default/main.less
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/static/jscript/gettingstarted.js
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/block/todolist.html.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/addarticlecategory.html.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/index.html.php
Version 4.02p2
1. Release Date: August 05, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x - 4.7.x
3. Bugs fixed
- Todo list - Not show number/bullet list
- Manage Categories - Can not change the order of categories
- Manage Emails - Reset button did not work after searching
- Share an article - Not limit text showing in Shared feed
- Missing phrases & Translation issues
- Layout issues
4. Changed Files
- M upload/include/xml/younet_gettingstarted4.xml
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/ajax/ajax.class.php
- A upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/article-feed.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/index.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/articlecategory.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/callback.class.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/phpfox.xml
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/phrase.json
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/static/css/default/default/main.less
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/static/jscript/gettingstarted.js
- A upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/block/article-feed.html.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/block/todolist.html.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/addtodolist.html.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managearticle.html.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managemail.html.php
- M upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managetodolist.html.php
- A upload/module/gettingstarted/yninstall/versions/v4.02p2.php
Version 4.02p1
1. Release Date: October 31, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x - 4.7.0
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.7.0
Version 4.02
1. Release Date: Feb 01, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.6.0
- Support search articles from global search form
- Update default email templates to be more clarification
4. Changed Files
- upload/include/xml/younet_gettingstarted4.xml
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/ajax/ajax.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/articledetail.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/categories.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/featuredarticle.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/latestarticles.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/mostview.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/relatedentries.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/block/todolist.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/addarticle.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/addarticlecategory.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/addscheduledmail.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/addtodolist.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/editarticle.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/editarticlecategory.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/editmanagecategory.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/editscheduledmail.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/edittodolist.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/managearticle.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/managearticlecategory.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/managecategory.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/managemail.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/admincp/managetodolist.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/allarticle.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/article.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/component/controller/index.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/plugin/template_getheader.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/articlecategory.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/callback.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/gettingstarted.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/multicat.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/process.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/include/service/settings.class.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/phpfox.xml
- upload/module/gettingstarted/phrase.json
- upload/module/gettingstarted/static/css/default/default/main.less
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/block/articledetail.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/addarticle.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/addarticlecategory.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/addscheduledmail.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/addtodolist.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/editscheduledmail.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managearticle.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managearticlecategory.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managemail.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/admincp/managetodolist.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/article.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/template/default/controller/index.html.php
- upload/module/gettingstarted/yninstall/versions/v4.02.php
Version 4.01p7
1. Release Date: Dec 15, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.x
3. Improvements
- Compatible with phpFox 4.5.0
Version 4.01p6
1. Release Date: August 02, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.4.0
Version 4.01p5
1. Release Date: April 28, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.3.2
Version 4.01p4
1. Release Date: February 29, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.2.2
Version 4.01p3
1. Release Date: February 2, 2016
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.2.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.2.0
Version 4.01p2
1. Release Date: December 25, 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox Neutron 4.1.x
3. Improvement(s):
- Compatible with phpFox v4.1.1
Version 4.01p1
1. Release Date: November 18 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.0.x
3. Improvements:
- Compatible with phpFox 4.0.10
Version 4.01
1. Release Date: October 20 2015
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.0.x