Rate, Rating and Review
- Free Update
Why should you have rating function in a social network?
Together with like & comment,
rating is an important feature to measure users' feedback for a post...
- Like is a scale with 2 values like or not like
- Comment is verbal form of feedback
- Rating is a scale of 5 levels (5 stars) to measure how much do users like an post. Users can reveal their feeling by give how many stars with a common meaning:
* 1 star: very bad * 2 stars: bad * 3 stars: no idea * 4 stars: good * 5 stars: very good
- The more you understand user's feedback, the better you can improve the content.
How to use RATING app?
This app is to cooperate with other apps to measure user's feedback in 5-level scale as mentioned.
After installed, user can see rating function on the right side of a detail page of following apps Pages, Groups, User, Blog, Marketplace, Event, Quiz, Poll, Music Song, Music Album by default. Site admins can show/hide this function by enable/disable the block on those pages.
Regarding t0 3rd party app, You can contact us to integrate it with only $25 extra.
How much can Rating app shake hand with other apps?
100% works in following default
Pages | Groups, User, Blog, Marketplace, Event, Quiz, Poll, Music Song, Music Album
80% works with 3rd party apps...
This app can work with most of 3rd party apps if they follow phpFox's standard app structure.
In the worst case, we will do custom work to support with a very supporting fee of $40 ONLY. However, this is a rare case. So, are you confident to use this plugin now?
Rating workflow and features
- Users access a detail page and click on stars to rate
- A user can rate only one time for a post
- Condition to rate: must login
- Post owner is notified once a user rate for. Who rated? How much stars?
- Click on total voting number to see list of voters
- Show the chart of rating
Setting/Configuration in backend
- Allow owner to rate for his post
- Turn on/off rating function for a module
- Show/hide chart of voting
- PhpFox Compatible**: v4.0, v4.5, v4.6
- Product version**: 1.2
- PHP: 5.6, 7
If you need this translate tool for phpFox v3 site, contact us to have a deal
How to use demo:
- Register an account there (just one minute ONLY)
- Rate for an existing blog or any post there
- Each license is for only one domain
When you have an idea to develop your website. You could contact our experts to make a reasonable development plan which balancing your idea, budget, time to launch.
This service is free up to 2 hours to chat via Skype.2. DEVELOPMENT SERVICE
If you need a team to handle a part or full service, Contact us to stand on the same page before signing a contract.
Mar 6, 2018: Layout improvement
Dec 25, 2017: Compatible with Phpfox version 4.6.*
Sep 04, 2017: Compatible with Phpfox version 4.5.3
Apr 5, 2017: Compatible with Phpfox version 4.5.2