![Advanced Feed [V4] - YouNetCo](https://phpfox-store.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/07/03031233/ync-advancedfeed-1.png)
Advanced Feed [V4] - YouNetCo
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.03p9
- Fix bugs
Ready with phpFox 4.8.9
Social Network is successful because it can satisfy the need of connectivity among people. We are always interested in being updated with the latest activities and connecting with other people. We do these things by quickly posting new contents, reading, sharing and commenting on other’s contribution. Therefore, we have developed an app, the Advanced Feed, with very trending features of feed such as mentioning feelings in the post and control what is being shown in each user's feed. Privacy and Filters help users share their feed to the right people and make their main wall cleaner by filtering out unnecessary things. In addition, it provides Feelings, emoticons, location check-in and business check-in which are a must-have on any social network.
Key Features
- Feeds will be loaded automatically while scrolling page down
- Filter member’s news in Activity Feed by default criteria:
- All updates (default): show news that is the latest posting
- Friends: show news of your friends
- Status: show member status
- List: show your custom lists. You can filter news in one specific list
- Admin can add more modules from core, YouNet's modules, thỉrd party to filter feeds
- Tagging – increase interaction between members
- Feeling status – diversify type of user posts
- Hashtag – clever way to manage sharing content. This helps people find posts about topics they’re interested in
- Locating – Checking-in, sharing location on the main wall, member profile and any object page (Core and YouNet modules)
- Business locating – Checking-in, sharing business location
- Emoticons – adding smileys on any pages of Core and YouNet modules
- Managing feeds by saving, hiding selected ones, hiding all, etc
- Multiple privacy options for activity feed
- Fully responsive, support Responsive Templates
- The Advanced Feed app requires default Feed app in order to function properly.
Packages that include this product:
Front End
- Users can post a feed to
- Their own wall starting from news feed homepage or their member home page
- Someone' wall if allowed by writing the post directly to their wall
- Modules' Newsfeed
- Creation of a post contains 5 options:
- Text only normal text, hashtags, URL
- Post Photos or Photo Album goes with text (normal text, hashtags, URL)
- Videos or Video Playlist goes with text
- Share anything using embed code goes with text
- Extra contents of post besides the textual contents:
- People tags
- Position with map vision
- Business
- Feeling
- Emotion icons
- Post on the wall of other people:
- Member connection in feed: 2 different ways to tag
- Use @ to mix some tags into the text content. POST will NOT have appeared on the wall of people who tagged. Only send notification
- Use tags button: If the post is photo album: people who are tagged in the post will be tagged to a new album. BY THIS WAY, post appears on the wall of person who tagged
- User can save feed, these will be displayed as filter at welcome tab
- Show/Hide notification from a post
- Support filtering many modules on feed list includes basic core modules
- YN Store, Advanced Marketplace, Auction
Ultimate Video, Video Channel, Music Sharing, Fox Feed Pros (Ultimate News), Advanced Photo, Advanced Event, Petition, Fund Raising, Resume, Document, Business Directory System, Arcade Game - Basic core apps: Photo, Blog, Event, Marketplace, Poll, Quiz, Forum
- YN Store, Advanced Marketplace, Auction
- Beside filtering feed, users also can sort feeds by:
- Most Recent
- Top Stories
Back End
- Settings
- Admin can Enable auto-loading or manually older newsfeed by scrolling down
- Set number of filters will be shown
- Add new filter to allow users to find feeds associated to a module
- Select module
- Define name of filter
- Support multilingual
- Manage filters
- Support drag and drop filters position
- Edit name of filter
- Show or hide filter
Installation & Upgrade Guide for Advanced Feed App
- Please follow all steps in this installation guide in order to make this app work properly
- If you need any assistance, please submit a new ticket at the client area (http://phpfox.younetco.com/client
Installation Steps
- Install YNC Advanced Feed App on the phpFox Store
- Rebuild Bootstrap Core (at AdminCP > Themes > Edit theme > Rebuild Bootstrap Core).
- Clear your cache site (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Cache Manager > Clear Cache).
Upgrade Steps
- Upgrade our latest version
- Rebuild Bootstrap Core (at AdminCP > Themes > Edit theme > Rebuild Bootstrap Core).
- Clear your cache site (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Cache Manager > Clear Cache).
Congratulations! You finished the Installation/Upgrade process.
Version 4.03p9
1. Release Date: Feb 14, 2022
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.3
3. Bugs fixed:
- Issues with actions on feed
- Layout issues
4. Changed Files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/Display.php
- M Block/EditUserStatus.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/User/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M hooks/feed.service_process_add__end2.php
- M hooks/feed.template_block_entry_2.php
- M hooks/template_gettemplate.php
- D hooks/validator.admincp_settings_ynfeed.php
- D hooks/ynfeed.service_process_editstatus_end.php
- D hooks/ynfeed.service_process_updatestatus_end.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/edit-user-status.html.php
- M views/block/form.html.php
- M views/block/link.html.php
Version 4.03p8
1. Release Date: July 15, 2021
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.3
3. Improvements:
- Support PHP 8.0
4. Changed Files:
- M Install.php
- M Service/Directory/Directory.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Save.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/js/fulltagger.js
- M start.php
Version 4.03p7
1. Release Date: June 19, 2021
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.3
3. Improvements:
- Support new Notification Settings in Privacy Setting : "Post on my Wall", "Tagged in a post"
- Improve layout
- Improve performance when sharing/editing a post
- Remove duplicate feed in user profile feed when they are being mentioned in a post
4. Bugs fixed:
- Fix broken layout
- Fix broken javascript event
- Incompatible issues with Core Page, Core Groups applications
- Issue duplicate feed after delete a feed
- Broken notification link after sharing a post
- Broken email link after sharing a post
- Broken feed detail link after sharing a post
- Not received email/notification after being tagged in a post
- Issue with feed item privacy
- Incompatible issues with Core Status background application
- Incompatible issue with privacy settings "Who can view your activities section on your profile
page?" - Edit feed does not work correctly in some cases
- Received duplicate emails/notifications after being tagged in a post
- Duplicate tagged user when doing tag and mention in a same post
- Feed does not update after creating a new feed item
- A status post requires approval before being displayed in some cases
- Setting "Who can see posts you've been tagged in on your Wall?" does not works correctly
5. Changed Files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/Display.php
- M Block/EditUserStatus.php
- M Block/Form.php
- M Install.php
- A Installation/Data/YnFeedUserPrivacyUpdate.php
- A Installation/Database/YnFeed_Feed_Tag_Remove.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M Service/Process.php
- A Service/Tag.php
- M Service/User/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/js/fulltagger.js
- M assets/js/taguser.js
- M assets/main.less
- M hooks/feed.service_process_add__end2.php
- M hooks/feed.service_process_addcomment__1.php
- M hooks/link.component_ajax_addviastatusupdate.php
- A hooks/mail_send_call.php
- A hooks/mail_send_query.php
- M hooks/notification.service_process_add.php
- A hooks/parse_input_prepare.php
- M hooks/user.service_process_add_updatestatus.php
- M hooks/ynfeed.service_feed_set_extra_info__end.php
- M installer.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/display.html.php
- M views/block/edit-user-status.html.php
- M views/block/form.html.php
Version 4.03p6
1. Release Date: July 27, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6
3. Bugs fixed:
- User privacy setting - Saving the setting for Activity Feed does not work
- Default privacy setting display not correctly
- Captcha - Show double comment after turning on captcha in comment
- Can delete feed without logging in to system
- Post a status on group - Show wrong notification and block the screen
4. Changed Files:
- M Install.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- D hooks/user.component_controller_index_process.php
- M hooks/ynfeed.template_block_entry_2.php
- M views/block/form.html.php
- M views/block/link.html.php
- M views/block/share/share.html.php
Version 4.03p5
1. Release Date: March 17, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6
3. Bugs fixed:
- Missing feeling icon when posting/editing an image on activity feeds
- Missing phrases
4. Changed Files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/Photo/Frame.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M Service/Photo/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
- M phrase.json
Version 4.03p4
1. Release Date: January 20, 2020
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6
3. Improvements:
- Compatible with Status background of phpFox core
4. Changed Files:
- M Block/Display.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M hooks/template_gettemplate.php
- M views/block/emoticons.html.php
- M views/block/focus.html.php
- M views/block/mini.html.php
- M views/block/share/external.html.php
- M views/block/share/preview.html.php
- M views/block/share/share.html.php
Version 4.03p3
1. Release Date: August 05, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Integrate Saved Items
- Integrate Hidden Feed options
4. Bugs Fixed:
- Privacy issue when sharing/re-sharing an item
- Not allow user tagging a feed item when login as a page
- Editing a status does not update on feeds
- The owner can report their post
- Show blank image in feeds when posting status with a link having no image
- Issue when viewing content isn't available
- Show map on re-share feed
- Can't mentioned user when editing status
- Owner of a page could not post a status in Page activity feeds in FaceBook Clone template
- Comments are not loaded after refreshing page
- Layout issues
5. Changed Files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/ManageHidden.php
- M Block/Mini.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M Service/Hide.php
- M Service/Save.php
- M Service/User/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- A hooks/run.php
- A hooks/saveditems.service_saveditems_process_save__action.php
- M hooks/template_gettemplate.php
- M start.php
- M views/block/edit-user-status.html.php
- M views/block/form.html.php
- A views/block/link-preview.html.php
- M views/block/link.html.php
- M views/block/mini.html.php
- M views/block/share/share.html.php
Version 4.03p2
1. Release Date: June 20, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6
3. Improvements:
- Improve feeds loading performance
4. Bugs Fixed:
- In phpFox 4.7.6, when editing status - User cannot remove photo in post
- Saved feed list - Saved feeds are not loading properly
- Not show comment button
- The content of quiz detail is missing
- Layout issues
- Hide feature issues
- Bootstrap theme - Duplicated option to delete a feed
- Show wrong time in sharing video feed
- Show wrong feed after Admin edit other'photo feed
- Integrate with Saved items app issue
5. Changed Files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/Checknew.php
- M Block/Display.php
- M Block/EditUserStatus.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M Service/Photo/Process.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- A hooks/core.template_block_upload_form_dropzone_component.php
- A hooks/photo.component_controller_frame_drag_drop_process_photos_done.php
- A hooks/photo.service_process_approve__1.php
- A hooks/template_gettemplatefile.php
- M hooks/ynfeed.service_feed_set_extra_info__end.php
- M hooks/ynfeed.template_block_entry_2.php
- M views/block/content.html.php
- M views/block/edit-user-status.html.php
- M views/block/link.html.php
- M views/block/mini.html.php
Version 4.03p1
1. Release Date: April 3rd, 2019
2. Best Compatibility: 4.7.x
3. Improvements:
- Integrate with Core Activity Points
- Minor layout improvements
4. Bugs Fixed:
- Incorrect order when sorting feeds by "Most Recent"
- Cannot share a Poll
- Create a blank feed after admin approving a Video
- Missing manage post actions in Forum thread detail
- Missing delete action after editing status
- Resolve many posting and editing status issues in Profile, Pages, Groups
- Text translation issues
- Minor layout issues
5. Changed Files:
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/Display.php
- M Block/EditUserStatus.php
- M Block/Mini.php
- A Block/Share/Preview.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Feed.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/User/Process.php
- D assets/autoload.css
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/js/fulltagger.js
- M assets/main.less
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- M hooks/template_gettemplate.php
- A hooks/ynfeed.template_block_entry_2.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/content.html.php
- M views/block/display.html.php
- M views/block/edit-user-status.html.php
- M views/block/focus.html.php
- M views/block/form.html.php
- M views/block/link.html.php
- M views/block/mini.html.php
- M views/block/share/preview.html.php
- M views/block/share/share.html.php
Version 4.03
1. Release Date: Oct 23, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x - 4.7.0
3. Improvements:
- Compatible with phpFox 4.7.0
- Preview post when sharing an item
- Layout improvements
Version 4.02
1. Release Date: January 18, 2018
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x
3. Fixed Bugs:
- Some phrases were missed in ACP Add Filter page
4. Improvements:
- Compatible with phpFox 4.6.0
- Show emojis directly on compose feed area instead of code
- Improvements for better layout
5. Changed Files:
- Ajax/Ajax.php
- Block/Comment/Comment.php
- Block/Comment/Mini.php
- Block/Like/Like.php
- Install.php
- Service/Feed.php
- Service/Filter.php
- Service/Process.php
- assets/autoload.js
- assets/main.less
- hooks/feed.template_block_entry_2.php
- phrase.json
- start.php
- views/block/comment/comment.html.php
- views/block/comment/mini.html.php
- views/block/content.html.php
- views/block/display.html.php
- views/block/emoticons.html.php
- views/block/entry.html.php
- views/block/focus.html.php
- views/block/form.html.php
- views/block/like/like.html.php
- views/block/link.html.php
- views/block/mini.html.php
- views/block/show-users.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/add-filter.html.php
- views/controller/admincp/manage-filter.html.php
Version 4.01
1. Release Date: April 11, 2017
2. Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.5.2 or newer