Advanced Footer
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What's New?
Adapted for newest Phpfox 8
Fixed error in design 3, design 5
Better mobile responsive
Advanced Footer App
Website footers are far more important than many people believe. Footers allow users to delve deeper into your site and can hugely impact search engine rankings. With our Advanced Footer App you can Transform your footer part of website to professionally looking advanced footer with many features and blocks. Select from 5 unique designs, setup your branding color and upload transparent background. Manage menus, social links and tons of admincp settings of our Advanced footer app.
- 5 Unique design of footer part
- Guest / Join Image (enable / disable from Admincp)
- User widget sorting logic (Recent, Featured, Popular)
- 2 Themes for any design (Dark / Light). Combine theme and design option to have tons of footer design
- Control Transparent Background, Opacity value - Upload your own or use default transparent background to have great modern design
- Setup your own branding color for footer part
- Manage Menus
- Manage Social Links
- Fully responsive (works great on any devices)
- Easy installation with 1 click (without touching core files)
Works fine with
4.6+, 4.7+
We will update this product immediately after Phpfox released new version.
Packages that include this product:
1. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
2. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version.
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
2 reviews