InstaFox Instagram App
- Free Update
What's New?
updated token refreshing, database updates
Expand your phpFox functionality with Instagram integration! InstaFox is an app that allows your members to share their Instagram photos on their profile pages.
Review of the InstaFox Instagram app for phpFox
Integrates with InstaFox theme for phpFox
More features available in next updates!
- Note: we have noticed that some Instagram accounts may not be connected by Instagram app (in case if Instagram account is marked as spam-account or if it has not enough media posted).
Packages that include this product:
- users can connect their Instagram account to their profiles in just one click;
- app will then show a customizable Instagram widget (block);
- page with full list of Instagram photos of current user;
- Lightbox gallery viewer for Instagram photos;
- responsive and adopted for Bootstrap-based templates including Facebook and TwiFox themes.
It is required to create Instagram developers application to access Instagram API for this widget on your particular website. Please contact us at office@phpfoxer.com, so we can provide you with detailed instructions or check FAQ section. You will be able to enter your Instagram app's Client ID and Client Secret in your AdminCP.
How to create Instagram Client: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-basic-display-api/getting-started
Request setup assistance: https://www.phpfoxer.com/contact-us/
- v1.0 – initial release;
- v1.1 – improved detailed view template;
- v1.2 – allowed to change photos amount in block (widget) right from AdminCP;
- v1.3 – added Unlink option to allow users to disconnect their Instagram account from their profile;
- v1.4 – improved app's compatibility with latest phpFox