Marketplace Google Map - cespiritual
Apps / Tools ·by cespiritual
One-Time Purchase
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- Free Update
What's New?
4.7.0 - fixed location base on new location from the core app.
This app will add to marketplace a block to show, on the google map, the location of the listing. It will also allow you to see the route from your city to the listing location.
- Enable/Disable Marker
- Enable/Disable Info Window
- Enable/Disable Button to show Route
- Select the type of the main map: roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain
(Link on the right block)
email: demo01@dev.pt
pw: 123456
- PHPfox >= 4.5
Packages that include this product:
Get you API Key
You should create your own API key in google.
This are the steps:
- Go to https://console.developers.google.com and login with your google account.
- On the top, in "projects", select "create project". Name your project and select "create"
- Select the project you have created on the same link at the top: "projects". If you don't see it on the list select "see more projects"
- On the main page of the project click on "Activate API".
- From the list in APIs from Google Maps select these APIs to add to your project: Google Maps JavaScript API, Google Maps Geocoding API, and Google Maps Embed API
- After you select each one individually you need to activate it on the top.
- The final step is to go to "credentials" and generate the API key that you should copy/past in settings.
If you need help just contact us.
No reviews for this product.
Question 1: Can I have free install?
Yes... after purchase just send us admincp access to your site and we will install it for free
Question 2: After installing no map shows
Please check if the server setting "allow_url_fopen" is enabled.