- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.7.15
- Allow page owner to invite people via phone number to join Page
- Improvements on UI/UX
- Hide block "Liked Pages" when the setting "Can browse and view pages?" is disabled
- Support integrate notification and email when creating items in Page
- Support a setting that allows Page owner turn on/off email notifications when someone posts in Page
- Support checking integration permission for integrated apps
- Fix bugs
"Pages" is the place for your users to specifically create public profiles such as businesses, brands, organizations, public figures, and other causes. Pages do not gain friends but fans or followers who choose to LIKE that specific Page.
Feature List
- All Pages
- Contain all pages which the viewer has permission to view, separated by main categories. Number of pages will be shown at first for each category will be set by admin at AdminCP
- Each page has title, page's thumbnail, sub-category and statistics of views
- Owner can perform some actions on page as manage / delete page
- Can search pages by keyword, filter pages by some criteria
- Classify pages by categories
- My Pages
- Contain pages uploaded by this user
- User can see total his / her pages in main menu section
- Friends' Pages
- Contain all pages of friends of this user
- Pending Pages
- Contain all pending pages need to be approved
- Moderators can use mass action to approve / delete them
- Page Detail: a page is a specific place for users to introduce their businesses. Therefore, page's owners have ability to configure all things in their pages, such as set the permission for users to perform some actions on pages, adjust the information of pages, add more widgets to present their pages better, delete contents posted by their users if they're not suitable for their businesses, and so on. Here are some detailed features:
- Display all general information of page as avatar, cover photo, page title, category, total likes
- Users can view more information of page at Info tab
- Users can see who like this page
- Users can see some suggested pages
- Users can post activity feeds at Home tab if they have permission
- Users can see and post data for integrated apps as Blogs, Events, Discussions, Music, Photos if they have permission
- Users can see more information added by admin of page as widget or new tab
- Users can claim a page if they see that this is the page for their own businesses. All claims will be sent to admin in order to accept / deny them. Once admin accept a claim, its owner will be the owner of the corresponding page
- Manage Page: phpFox allows page's owner to manage all things of page as following
- Edit the page's information as name, main category, subcategory, main information which is integrated with CKEditor - https://store.phpfox.com/product/1655/ckeditor, avatar of page, cover photo of page (page's owner can drag to re-position of the cover)
- Configure the permissions to allow which ones can share blogs / view blogs / share events / view events / start discussion / reply a discussion / view discussions / share music / view music / post a comment / view comments / share a photo / view photos / view widgets. Can select one of three options: Anyone, Members Only, Admins Only
Can invite friends from community or invite people via email to like page
- Can change the URL of page to make it more user-friendly
- Can add more users to be admins of the page. Notice: page's owner is always the admin of page, nobody can remove her / him
- Can add more widgets to represent the page better
- Can delete feed, blogs, photos, discussion, events, music posted by other users if they're not good for the page
- Create New Page: user can create his / her own pages by clicking on the "Add New Page" button, then selecting the main category and entering the page name. After creating the page successfully, system will redirect user to the editing page in order to configure more information of page
- Configuration settings at AdminCP: admin of the community can configure for Pages at Setting page as following
- Configure the number of pages will be shown at first for each category on All Pages
- Configure which pagination style will be displayed: scrolling down to load more items, use Next and Pre buttons or use pagination with page number
- Configure the displaying of profile photo (avatar) and cover photo of page within gallery
- Configure the meta description and meta keywords (apply from 4.6.0)
- Select who will be in charge of page claims. This admin will receive email notification in case there is a new claim come
- Configuration settings for each user group at AdminCP: admin of the community can configure settings for each user group to allow users of this group to view pages / create pages / edit all pages / delete all pages / claim pages and so on
- Manage the integrated apps at AdminCP: admin of the community can configure which app will be integrated with Pages. If an app is not integrated with Pages, while going into the page detail, users could not see the tab for this app in the page's menu section
- Manage categories at AdminCP: admin of the community can manage all main categories as well as their sub-categories. Each main category has its name, thumbnail. Admin can perform some action on categories as drag and drop to re-order them, edit category, delete category, active / inactive category and manage their sub-categories
- Manage claims at AdminCP: admin of the community can manage all claims and decide which one will be accepted / denied
- Configure the responsive size, number of item in each block (apply from 4.6.0).
Installation Guide
Please follow below steps to install new phpFox Pages app:
1 . Install the Pages app from the store.
2 . Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
3 . Clear Cache
and Rebuild Core Theme
on your site.
Congratulation! You have completed installation process.
Please visit our doc to get this information.