Password Checker
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Most of the modern social networks take the responsibility to inform their users about actual password strength. This way all the visitors and customers can better secure their private data.
This app is based on Complexify script. It provides with a good measure of password complexity for websites. It serves both for giving hints to users (strength bars) and for casually enforcing a required complexity (for security reasons).
This app provides client-side password strength bar and leads your visitors to more secured passwords.
Your users will be able to generate their own 100% secure password using Password Checker as well. They will need to simply copy and paste their generated password into a safe place.
Packages that include this product:
- giving hints to users (strength bars)
- casually enforcing a required complexity (for security reasons);
- can generate passwords on demand.
No reviews for this product.
- v1.0 – initial release;
- v1.1 – added password generator to Signup form, added an option to verify password by asking user to enter password twice, improved compatibility with v4.5.x, fixed a few minor issues.