Protected Photos
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- Added support for photo comments in feed
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With this app users can set photos protected. The user can add other users to allow viewing his protected photos. There is a link in the user menu for managing and deleting users access.
- User can set & delete protection for photos
- Users can add other users to their access list
- Usergroup settings for "Can set protected photos" & "Can see all protected photos"
- Placeholder image
- Upload placeholder image
- Works with Photo Blocks Advanced (https://store.phpfox.com/product/1939/photo-blocks-advanced)
- Photos App 4.6.2+
- Install the app from the store.
- Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
- Clear cache on your site.
To upload a placeholder image use the UPLOAD action button on the app settings page.
No reviews for this product.
- V1.0.2 (2018-07-29) Design update. Settings for background and text color added.
- V1.0.1 (2018-07-08) Hide photo actions menu for protected images.
- V1.0.0 (2018-06-02)