- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.7.21
- Minor UI Improvements
- Hide photo statistics if a user doesn't have permission to access the Photo app.
- Compatible with phpFox 4.8.13
- Fix bugs
Photos is the most essential section of all social network communities. Hence, we not only provide you the photo app as a core feature of phpFox but also include many trending actions to make it more attractive. Your members can upload photos to a public gallery or to their own set of photo albums. While uploading photos your members can decide the privacy level of who can view their photos online.
- This app is applied for all phpFox packages. Refer to https://www.phpfox.com/pricing to see all packages.
Feature List
1 . All Photos:
- Contain all photos which the viewer has permission to view
- Each photo has title if any, album contains it if any, owner and statistics of views
- Owner can perform some actions on photo as edit / delete / sponsor my photo/ sponsor in feed
- Moderators can perform some actions on photo as edit / delete / sponsor / sponsor in feed / feature
- Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
- Has 2 blocks: Featured Photos, Sponsored Photos
- Can search photos by keyword, filter photos by some criteria
- Classify photos by categories
2 . My Photos
- Contain photos uploaded by this user
- User can see total his / her photos in main menu section
3 . Friends' Photos
- Contain all photos of friends of this user
4 . Pending Photos
- Contain all pending photos need to be approved
- Moderators can use mass action to approve / delete them
5 . All Albums:
- Contain all albums which the viewer has permission to view
- Each album has title and number of photos
- Owner can perform some actions on album as edit / delete / upload more photos to album
- Moderators can perform some actions on photo as edit / delete album
- Moderators can use mass actions to delete some selected items
- Can search albums by keyword, filter albums by some criteria
6 . My Albums
- Contain albums uploaded by this user
- User can see total his / her albums in main menu section
7 . Share Photos
- Can select an existed album, create a new one or do not select any album
- Can select categories for these photos
- Can select multiple photos to upload
- After upload, user will be redirected to editing page or photo detail page based on the configuration at back end
8 . Photo Detail
- Users can perform some actions on photo as like, comment, share, report
- Can view photo detail and its information
- Support addthis to share the photo into other networks
- Owner and moderators can manage photo
9 . Album Detail
- Can view all photos of the album
- Users can perform some actions on photo as like, comment, share, report
10 . Back End - Settings
- Configure to use pagination or load more in search page
- Configure to show/hide photos which created in Page / Group on Photos app
- Configure SEO meta keywords and SEO meta description
11 . Back End - User Group Settings
- Configure all settings for each user group
12 . Back End - Manage Categories
- Can add, edit, delete, re-order categories
- Before delete a category, admin can select another category to move all existed blogs
13 . Use global time stamp instead of having its own
14 . Configure the responsive size, number of item in each block
Installation Guide
Please follow below steps to install new phpFox Photos app:
- Install the Photos app from the store.
- Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
- Clear Cache and Rebuild Core Theme on your site.
Congratulation! You have completed installation process.
- Please visit our doc to get this information.