This product can only be installed by phpFox Cloud V4, phpFox Cloud V4 Trial, Pro, Pro+, Ultimate License ID
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.7.2
- Not allow invite guests that are not members in Secret/Closed Group
- Limitation on number of listings created by user group
- On the Invite form, auto-add invited emails when clicking out of box or click on 'Send Invitation' button
- Fix bugs
As the booming of E-Commerce, Marketplace app is like an online department store that serves as a convenient destination for users to discover, buy and sell items within the community. It is a simple yet effective solution for users to sell their products, or look through others' listings and search for the great things to buy. The app features many filters to make sure users can find the exact product they are looking for. It has flexible ways to buy products and an organized system of the invoice to manage purchases.
Feature List
1. All Listings
- Contains all listing which the viewer has permission to view
- Each listing has title, price, picture, category, location of item, statistics of views and like
- Owner can perform some actions on listing as edit / delete / manage photos / send invitation / manage invite / feature
- Moderators can perform some actions on listing as edit / delete / feature
- Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
- Category list and Featured Listings block
- Can search listing by keyword or filter listing in some criteria
2. My Listings
- Contains listing created by this user
- User can see the total of his / her listings in the main menu section
3. Friends' Listings
- Contains listing created by this user's friends
4. Listing Invites
- Contains all invites to see the listing from other users
- User can see the total listing invites in the main menu section
5. Invoices
- Contains all invoices from the purchases on this user's listings
6. Create Listing
- Specify item title, category, short description, full description, enable instant payment (need to enable in Admin CP), auto-sold, location, and privacy of the listing.
- Able to upload multiple photos in item listing (Define in User group setting)
- Send invite to friends or via email with custom personal message
- See the status of each invitation: Who you haven't invited, who you invited and who visited your listing.
- See the list of people you invited in manage invite
7. Listing Details:
- Contains info of seller, date of listing, statistics on view/like/comment. User can also share the listing on his/her wall or his/her friend's wall
- Detail info on the item: price, photos (all photos can be zoomed in and displayed with a slider), location, descriptions
- Below you have actions on listing: Like, comment and see who liked this listing
- In This Category block will show similar items in the same category of the listing you are viewing.
- AddThis integration to easily share listing on social networks
8. Purchase Item:
- Can contact the seller and set up payment.
- Or buy directly using Paypal or Activity Points
9. Manage Categories (Back-end setting)
- View a list of item categories
- Allow editing details of each category (category name, parent category)
- Set the order of categories to show up in the list or set a certain category active/inactive.
10. Settings (Back-end setting)
- Setup pagination style, number of days to expire, number of days to notify for listing expiration.
Installation Guide
Please follow below steps to install new phpFox Marketplace app:
1 . Install the Marketplace app from the store.
2 . Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
3 . Clear Cache
and Rebuild Core Theme
on your site.
Congratulation! You have completed installation process.
- Please visit our doc to get this information.