Featured Members - cespiritual
Apps / User Interactions ·by cespiritual
One-Time Purchase
$29 $19
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- Free Update
This app will add to your network a block to show all your featured members. It filters members by gender, and you can enable a setting to show only members with avatar. It also show a tag with the last activity date.
You can also enable the showcase mode, and show only a single member as favorite.
- Enable/Disable members with avatar
- Enable/Disable activity tag
- Enable/Disable ask friendship button
- Enable/Disable new dropdown menu for filters
- Enable/Disable new gender filter for Others
- Set the name of the new gender filter
- Set color of activity tag
- Number of members to show
- Use simple layout with small avatars
- Showcase Mode
(Link on the right block)
email: demo01@dev.pt
pw: 123456
- PHPfox >= 4.5.0
Packages that include this product:
1 review
Question 1: Can I have free install?
Yes... after purchase just send us admincp access to your site and we will install it for free
- 4.6.1 - Added Showcase Mode as a new Feature (19 May, 2018)
- 4.6.0 - Release of Featured Members App (15 May, 2018)