Apps / Monetization ·by FoxExpert
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$59 $49
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What's New?
Added total view to product view page
Fixed categories search on browse page
New Flash Sale feature
Highlight with Flash Sale product with limited discount time
New badge Flash Sale
Looking for much more from a marketplace store that the current built-in PHPFox solution offers?? If yes, then this is for you. With a huge number of user friendly features and customisations, this app is everything your users could want from buying and selling on your social network.
Main Features
- Ultimate solution for an online Store/Listings section on your phpfox site.
- Detailed information about products (specifications, photos, videos (youtube and mp4), user reviews, tags, big description with attachments).
- Add ability to have User Stores (similar as business pages) with many different functions (top selling products, user reviews, contact form and contact information, shipping information, return policy)
- Cool Ajax cart and Ajax compare, which shows only in store app pages.
- Pay using standard phpfox gateways + our Emoney app balance.
- Good monetization with store commission and sponsored features (Products and Stores).
- Manage in admin interface all things (categories, products, stores, orders). Also have many admin and user groups settings.
- Products, Store statistic for sellers in user interface. All store statistic for admin in admin panel.
- More than 50 different blocks.
- High quality and Live support chat support. Lifetime updates and fast support by email.
- Mobile responsive (works great on any device).
- Purchase this app and get for free emoney app. It is required for Store app.
- Beautiful products home with many cool blocks of different sorted products.
- Ultimate filter with ability search by specification, price range, categories, sub categories and etc.
- 2 different view of products. (blocks/list)
- Quick view of products (in browse page and in all blocks)
- My products, featured products, my wishlist products pages.
- Add/Edit/Delete/Feature/Make day product in user interface
- Manage photos (add,edit,delete, set cover)
- Manage videos (share youtube videos, or upload mp4 videos)
- Manage specification (setup specification of product, based on category product)
- Invite users to buy
- Shipping price new
- Select type of product (tangible, non-tangible, Digital). Digital type allow to sell files, which users after purchase can download from order page.
- Setup product tags, location, short and big description.
- In stock, Out Stock, Unlimited quantity features.
- 2 types of discount (percent and fixed value) and time life of discount.
- Quantity and ability to add product into your store.
- Slideshow of images with magnify option.
- Add to wishlist (favourite page)
- Product Reviews (5 star rating and user comment)
- Sponsored feature (using our emoney app). Buy sponsored for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month.
- Share product in popular social network, Like, comment, report.
- Privacy settings
- Works great with standard page, groups and profiles.
- Beautiful Store home with many cool blocks of different sorted stores.
- Ultimate filter stores.
- 3 different view of stores (blocks, list, map ).
- Google map Integration, show all stores in 1 map with custom markers and popup information about store.
- Browse Stores, My Stores, My Favourite stores, My following Stores, Featured stores.
- Favourite and Following features.
- Add/Edit/Delete/Make Featured/Make store of the day
- Setup category, description, tags, image, covers, location, contact information and buyer information of your store.
- Unique design of store page with different functions and blocks like a store details, new store arrivals, Followers block.
- Top selling products, Most viewed product in store page.
- Browse store product page with filtering options.
- Store activity (show new products, photo and etc), we integrate standart phpfox wall.
- Store photos (we take photos from activity)
- Map and Contact store page - we show google map location, all contact information (email, phone, fax, website, facebook and twitter pages)
- Store contact form - users may contact with store, using direct contact form
- Store reviews (5 start rating and user notes)
- Shipping information, Return policy and Buyer protection store pages.
- Share in social networks and Like, Comment, Report.
- Sponsored feature (using our emoney app). Buy sponsored for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month.
- Privacy settings
How Checkout Works?
- Step 1: Users added products into his cart and go to checkout page. There he review his cart, make changes in quantity, may add message to seller, Add his shipping address (contact name, phone, country, city, zip, address).
- Step 2: User select payment system (we connect standart phpfox payment gateway (Paypal) and Our Emoney app which you will get for free with Store app purchasing.)
- 3 Step: After succesfully purchase we redirect user to my orders page, where he can see his order. If product is digital, he may download it.
- Funds will goes to seller emoney balance minus store commission, which you may configure in Emoney settings.
- After succesfully purchase, users may see his orders in my orders page.
- Users can search, contact to seller, Download if product was digital, and see others information about his purchase.
- We customized core categories and now our category have Icon, Cover, Background color
- You may make featured category, and it will show on top slider on browse products and product home pages.
- For each category you may add specification, after that users may add that specifications if their products have same category.
- Manage specification (Add/Edit/Delete/Disable to search)
Ajax Cart and Ajax Compare
- Each store page have 2 icons on right bottom, it is Ajax Cart and Compare
- You may add products to compare list with 1 click, and after you finish you may compare products on special Compare page.
- Similar ajax cart, you may add products to cart on any of store page and after you finished, you may go to checkout page and review you cart.
Product and Store Statistic
- Each product and store have statistic page with different stats.
- You may find link to this, in my products or my stores.
- Also in that page, you may see all orders of product or store.
Store page background
- Required Profilepicker
- Manage categories (add/edit/delete categories. Make category as featured. Add specs for each category, cover, icon and background color)
- Manage stores (delete, make featured store, make day store)
- Manage products (delete, make featured product, make day product)
- Manage order (delete, search, view users orders)
- Store statistic (show many stats of your store, which help you to analize.)
- Settings (Cost for sponsored, google api key for store google maps)
- User groups settings (many different restrictions)
- 4.5+
- We will update this product immediately after phpfox released new version.
- Emoney app (get for free (contact us) with Store purchase)
- Enabled phpfox standart Marketplace
Packages that include this product:
1. Requirements
Core-Marketplace app be installed and enabled.
2. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
- Go to Admincp > Appearance > Menu find Marketplace menu and remove to avoid duplication
3. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version.
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
32 reviews
Update 4.7
- Optimized for 4.7
Update 4.65
- Added shipping price to products
- Installation problem on new version
- Core gateways purchasing products problem
- Succesfully payment page
- Top avatar problem
- Feed nophoto problem
- Fixed some errors in design
- Better mobile design
- Added phone code to checkout page
Update 4.63
- Comptabile with 4.6
- Adapted for new material theme
- Fixed cart and compare errors.
- Better mobile expirience.