Verified Members
- Free Update
What's New?
✅You can now verify / unverify all users
Lots of phpFox users requested a feature that could allow them to add Verified badge to some community users on user profiles and near usernames everywhere on your site, just like on Twitter or Facebook. If you're also looking for such a feature, this app is exactly what you need!
How to make user verified:
- go to "VerifiedMembers" app in your AdminCP;
- enable VerifiedMembers by switching the setting under Settings menu;
- make sure that Verified Members add-on is installed (you can find installation link above);
- find user you want to make verified;
- click gray expand icon on the left of user's name and click "Verify";
- go to this user's profile and see verified icon near user's name on his profile.
Users can also verify each other (if admin allows it in settings). Admin will be able to set amount of verification comments needed to make member verified. There will be a separate page on profile where users will be able to see verification comments for specific member.
If you're just starting to configure your phpFox website, you can verify all / un-verify all members using special buttons available in app's admin.
Video Review
Need something similar, but for User Groups? Check out User Group Icon app. If you need indication of countries try Flags app
Packages that include this product:
You can manage text under verified member's popup that appears when someone hovers pointer under verified icon.
Members will be able to submit verification requests from their Edit Profile / About Me page. Verification ID will be required and qualification document will be optional. As soon as user submits verification request it will appear in AdminCP so Admin can accept or reject it.
It's possible to use Fontawesome icon instead of default .png image (this setting is off by default in app's settings).
- v1.0 – initial release;
- v1.1 – verified member's icon is now site-wide;
- v1.2 – added popup under verified member's icon on profile;
- v1.3 – improved popup's layout under verified member's icon on profile, it is now possible to enter longer multi-line text. Also you will be able to disable popup in one click from AdminCP;
- v1.4 – members now can submit their ID and qualification documents (optional) to request verification from Admin;
- v1.5 – bug fixes;
- v1.6 – added an option for users to verify each other. Usability improvements and bug fixes;
- v1.7 – improved verification process, various interface fixes. Now verified icon appears in even more places;
- v1.7.1 – improvements related to phrase management;
- v1.7.2 – fixes an issue on group page that prevented some images to be loaded;
- v1.7.3 – more phrases added into phrase manager;
- v1.9 – fixed appearance for RTL websites, improved formatting in member's profile verification block;
- v2.0 – added an option to change more phrases within app's AdminCP;
- v2.1 – it's now possible to move user to a specific user group once the user is verified using verification request;
- v2.2 – improvements related to compatibility with User Group Icon app and Flags app;
- v2.2.1 – v4.6.0 related fixes;
- v2.2.2 – Material theme mobile fixes;
- v2.2.3 – improvements related to icons rendering and compatibility with User Group Icon app
- v2.2.4 – additional compatibility improvements with User Group Icon app, added option to display Fontawesome check icon instead of default PNG image, improved phrases translation;
- v2.2.5 – security improvements for storing verification requests;
- v2.2.6 – Verified icon shows on profile tabs;
- v2.2.7 and 2.2.8 – bug fixes and improvements related to phpFox 4.7;
- 2.2.9 – significant fix for AdminCP.