Pages/Business Directory
Apps / User Tools ·by FoxExpert
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Fixed problem in main menu
Fixed icons problems in main menu
Pages/Business Directory
Welcome to the Pages/Business Directory App. This app enhances the PHPFox core Pages module and turns it into a feature rich app with extended functionality. With this app, your users will have the flexibility to create feature rich pages and better engage with their Page followers and supporters.
Main Features
- Extends the core Pages module with lots of additional features, functions and blocks.
- Supports 3rd party modules and works great with our Advanced modules.
- Control which modules are available on your page (disable or enable any module). 3rd party modules supported. Create your own menu for your page.
- Rich information about pages like (custom page, announcements, faq and etc)
- Ultimate filtering options including search by location and show pages near you.
- Good monetization with sponsored features.
- Everything is fully customisable in admin interface. There’s a variety of admin and user groups settings to customise this app exactly to your needs.
- More than 50 different blocks.
- Mobile responsive (works great on any device).
NOTE: We provide fast and efficient support via ‘Live chat’ through our website foxexpert.com and additional support is provided by email.
Custom sections on Page view.
- Overview (shows basic information and most viewed content from the different modules)
- Wall
- About Us (about us text and our team information)
- Members (followers, those who already like your page)
- Reviews (5 star rating with a modern design)
- Contact Us (shows a big map and contact form)
- Faq (show faq items)
- Any number of custom pages can be shown (html allowed)
Detailed Information on your Pages
- General information (includes many basic fields such as title, category (sub-category), founders, size, location, contact information (phone, email, fax, website, facebook and twitter pages) and etc)
- Manage modules (allow to disable, setup icon, setup order for any module) 3rd party supported. It also includes already created custom pages.
- Manage widgets (disable/enable widgets with content posted on your page)
- Additional information (add required fields and values)
- Custom pages (create your own custom page and include html)
- Manage announcements (add/delete announcements which are shown on all pages of your business page)
- About Us (add about us text + your team information (title, role, picture)
- Manage Media (Manage you photos and cover photo)
- Permission (control who sees the different sections)
- Invite (invite users)
- FAQ (manage faq items)
- Admins (control who can edit and add information to your page)
Unique functions
- Monetization options including ‘sponsored feature’ Emoney app required
- Page Statistic for owner on edit page
- Checkins
- Favourites
- Print option
- Message Owner
- Distance search (by your current location)
- Share on popular social networks.
- Show most viewed content from different modules posted on this page on Overview section.
- Support our Advanced modules (advancedphoto, advancedblog, advancedvideo, store, advancedevent)
- Support Core modules (blog, event, photo, forum)
Pages Home
- Great design with slideshow of Sponsored pages(sponsored by users)
- Show pages with different filters in 4 tabs.
- Near you, Popular tags, Top owners, Featured, Day, Most reviewed, Most checkined pages blocks
- Pages Statistic block with all needed information for users.
- Browser by categories (icons and backgrounds you may edit in admin panel)
Browse pages, Big Map pages
- 3 types of view (grid, list, map)
- Ultimate filters allowing to search by (chars, title, category, description, tags, location, distance, city and etc)
- Reset filters option
- Different blocks (Page of the day, featured pages, categories, popular tags)
- Special big map page, with different filters.
3rd party Modules
- Works great, but not required(work great with core modules too)! with below list of our Advanced modules (in future will add more)
- Advanced Blogs
- Advanced Event
- Advanced Music
- Advanced Video
- Advanced Photo
- Advanced Marketplace/ Store
- Profilepicker
- Manage categories (add/edit/delete categories. Make category as featured, cover, icon and background color)
- Manage pages (delete, make featured page, make day page)
- Settings (Cost for sponsored, google api key for pages google maps)
- User groups settings (many different restrictions)
- 4.5, 4.5.1-4.5.3, 4.6, 4.65(tested with latest phpfox)
- We will update this product immediately after phpfox released new version.
- You’ll need the phpfox standard Pages module enabled.
Packages that include this product:
1. Requirements
Core-Pages app be installed and enabled.
2. Installation Guide
Below are the Installation Steps:
- Install App on the phpFox Store
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
- Go to Admincp > Appearance > Menu find Pages menu and remove to avoid duplication
3. Upgrade Guide
- Upgrade our latest version.
- Run "Rebuild Core Theme" at AdminCP >> Maintenance
- Clear your cache site (at AdminCP > Maintenance >> Cache Manager)
22 reviews
Update 4.7
- Optimized for 4.7
- Fixed cover uploading issue
Update 4.66
- Redesigned add page
- Fixed edit page error
- Fixed top avatar problem
- Fixed print design
- Redesigned page view page
- Disable map pages if there are no key
- Fixed maps issues
- Redesigned list view changed nophoto image
- Changed categories design
- Fixed column bug
- Changed styles in blocks
- Changed featured, day page icons
- Redesigned home page
- Redesigned grid view
- Fixed profile blocks
- Better mobile responsive
Update 4.65
- Compatible with 4.6
- Adapted design
- Redesign single page view
- Added Membership type (Join/LIKE)
- Added paid user subscription for page (Good monetization using our Emoney app)
- Added support custom blocks in pages
- Added Disable icons in business menu
- Added admin feature to manage which modules enabling for business pages